Welcome to the new forum

I approve as well, though I find it mildly bizarre ;) good to have a forum here, and looking forward to the new album...
symphony said:
Afternoon all! Looking good Sean!

Hi Steve - how's it going? Glad you like the new look - even if you did pay Sean the compliment rather than the *ahem* person who did most of the design and colour scheme and slogged their guts out building the new site... *mutter grumble damn singers always getting all of the attention*...

A Journeys End said:
Something is wrong here.... I've got 7,200+ metal discs yet have no clue who you guys even are.

You're dead right - this is totally unacceptable! :p So - welcome - we're Intense, a power metal band from the UK, roughly in the vein of Iced Earth / Nevermore / Maiden / Crosby Stills and Nash - so our reviews have been telling us. Oh wait - not Crosby Stills and Nash - forget that one!... We have an album recorded that *hopefully* will be released very soon, so keep checking our web site (relaunching in a few days) for details of that, download samples, etc.

symphony said:
All well at this end matey....and yourself?
- Good to hear mate; yep, not too bad here ta :) To be fair, Sean deserves just as much credit for the work he's been putting in with promotion and dealing with labels and so on. At least, he tells me he deserves it, so - everybody, after three...! :p
Hails to the INTENSE boys.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the site.

SS is a good album for sure. Be really great to get a 'proper' release for it. Best of luck from all the MR chaps.

Our paths (of the dark) will cross soon...
