Well I Had a wonderful experience at Gym

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Hell Awaits Us All

New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2006
Killing You
so I had a rather unfortunate accident at the gym today - I slammed weights down on top of another weight and it resulted in a inch laceration straight down the middle of the finger, it was bloody as hell

I just came back from ER where they had to do 5 stitches on my hand

this fucking sucks :cry: :cry:
Well, I guess you could have shattered your finger bones, so there's always that.

How exactly do you lacerate your finger on weights, btw?
I dropped down 90 LB dumbbell and there was a 70 LB dumbbell on the ground where I dropped it. The end of my index finger got caught between the 2.

This will be ancient history in 2 weeks so it's not a big deal but it is going to make everything 3x as challenging for me

typing without using my index finger is a strange but cool experience :lol:
I don't believe you were doing 90lbs. You aren't that big. That's a fucking lot of weight and you would have shattered your hand.
Of course he made up some outrageous weight to sound like a badass. Though, with the amount of masturbating this poor sap does, it wouldn't surprise me he could do it with at least one arm.
:lol: I do 130s on incline press n00b

I'm calling bullshit. You're really not very big at all. Considering that your bench drops dramatically in the incline position, I highly doubt you can curl the weight to your chest to perform such an exercise, let alone stabilize the weight with those baklava greased hands of yours. Stop trying to impress all the GMD pre-teens with your pseudo herculean frame and your tall-tales of genetic grandeur.
I'm calling bullshit. You're really not very big at all. Considering that your bench drops dramatically in the incline position, I highly doubt you can curl the weight to your chest to perform such an exercise, let alone stabilize the weight with those baklava greased hands of yours. Stop trying to impress all the GMD pre-teens with your pseudo herculean frame and your tall-tales of genetic grandeur.

I'm 5'10' 210 LBs, these pics don't do me any justice. Then again I can say the same for almost all bodybuilders. I met dexter jackson a while ago at a gym and he is absolutely massive compared to what you see in the pics.

I have been doing chest since probably 12 years old. My incline bench is strangely better than my flat bench with dumbells but it is the exact opposite when I am doing barbell bench.

I can get 130s maybe 3 or 4 times on incline dumbells, and 110's 3 or 4 times on flat dumbbell

and your comment about my size is nonsense anyways. There are guys on bb.com who are 30 - 40 LBs smaller than me but bench around 370 380 bench - like this guy - http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/my_whey/
I'm calling bullshit. You're really not very big at all. Considering that your bench drops dramatically in the incline position, I highly doubt you can curl the weight to your chest to perform such an exercise, let alone stabilize the weight with those baklava greased hands of yours. Stop trying to impress all the GMD pre-teens with your pseudo herculean frame and your tall-tales of genetic grandeur.


I don't think you can grease your hands with baklava. :err:
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