well, i'm back. . .

due to some lightning problems, i was with-held from the net for a week, but now i'm back to the boards. i hope everyone didn't miss me TOO much (if you even noticed i was gone ;) )

well, anyway. . .

i hollaz at neal, ledmag, RIP50, CreepinDeath66, jimbobhickville, poison god and everyone else! i be back
yeh that scene in the movie with the kids and the bizzare masks falling into the meat grinder. what a weird ass fuckin movie.
HEY MAN. I noticed you were gone. I never post on eof those WHERE ARE YOU posts hahahahha.

i love TULL..i have tons of cd's by them. Benifit is better than aqualung IMO. ITs older as well. Softer too.

Glad your back...i have been very busy and not here much myself.....i should be back in FULL ACTION in a week or so.
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
WHy does TL talk all backwards like Yoda?
Perhaps there is wisdom hidden deep inside....

Probably the same reason you talk priod....cause he fucken wants too.
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
ledmag, do you like rush by any chance? i've been getting into them a whole lot recently, as well. . .

I like some of their stuff, but no, not a lot. Never did really.

Keep listening though man.......spin all kinds of music, its good for you.
yeh theres only like 1 good rap cd. and that would have to be 1993s gangsta opus 'doggystyle' by everyones favorite nigguh, snoop dogg.