well, i'm back. . .

Originally posted by Black Winter Day
i totally agree, although i hardly venture into the realms of po(o)p, cunt-ry, and (c)rap :D . . . that stuff just ain't for me ;)

I never go for rap. Near NO country...there is soem OLD stuff though i like somewhat.

I go for a lot of 80's stuff as well.
Have you ppl noticed that PGM uses too many smilies? He has a seroise lack of words......he gets confused, he cant think...so he plasters smilies and leaves these little stupid remarks. He is suck a wanker in a real big way. Dont you just hate him? I do.
Originally posted by ledmag
Have you ppl noticed that PGM uses too many smilies? He has a seroise lack of words......he gets confused, he cant think...so he plasters smilies and leaves these little stupid remarks. He is suck a wanker in a real big way. Dont you just hate him? I do.
Hmmmm....? this comming from a guy who uses "fuck" every other word?


First message:
you need to back off, just after you read my reply to you in the PURE SWEET HELL post.

Second message:
Imailed yo uagain.......what are you gonna do about it?

Third message:
One more time........are you going to do something about it?

Fourth message:
what are you gonna do dick face? Huh.
Tell me now. i will mail you more after i get home from work

My response:
Look at yourself. You are pathetic child! And are being told so by a 17 year old. Obviously you
have/will not go far in life. Sad really...
You only make your own stupidity more obvious with such childish behavior.

Message me all you want if it helps you sleep at night and blocks out those images of your wasted "life"

OK NOW! can ledmag friggin grow up? He can't make intelligant arguements so he acts like a 5 year old.
Hmmmm....? this comming from a guy who uses "fuck" every other word?

as a matter of fact nowhere in any of those msgs nor the one you quoted did he use the word 'fuck'. so maybe you should research your shit before you make claims you fuckwit jackass.