Well it's on..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
I loaded into the studio Sunday night and we are going to start recording the new MOD record monday the 22nd. This record will make you happy i hope.
13 songs..
Wish me luck.... website is being worked on as we speak.
it should be up by the end of the month....
I loaded into the studio Sunday night and we are going to start recording the new MOD record monday the 22nd. This record will make you happy i hope.
13 songs..
Wish me luck.... website is being worked on as we speak.
it should be up by the end of the month....

Good luck and cant wait to hear it
I have a very good feeling about this one...it's going to be your best to date...I hope the recording goes nice and smooth...no egos!!!(well, except the bold, courageous man himself, of course)...good luck, dude, and may Jim-Bob be with you!
Hell yeah!!!

Great news Billy, cannot wait to have that new M.O.D. cd in my hands!!!

Maybe us die-hards will have the privilege of hearing an unmastered rough-cut before the release?

M. fuckin' O.D. :kickass:
Awesome!!! I can't wait to hear it. Are you going to do doing any parodies of bands like you did in the last album?
Good luck with the whole recording process.