Well it's on..

Update & pictures of Billy, Scott and Lennon in the studio are on my website now. Just take a look, Billy sent me some nice pics and a good story of the first 3 recording days.

Go to http://www.sod-mod.com and click on 'news'.

Hey Billy, nice Ossama-style beard... planning on infiltrating the Talibans some time soon?

SOD-MOD I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN...THAT WILL TEACH ME NOT TO LOOK AT YOUR SITE EVERYDAY:worship: ...Hey sod-mod some bloke in the U.k. is selling bootleg Mod and Sod on ebay.co.uk Think its been robbed of you dude....got to admit i bought one of each:rolleyes: Also if anyones interested for the last month someones flogging S.E.O.D on picture disc LP (shit remember them LOL):zombie: .
Your site still got it pal:headbang: