Well, nevermore will have to be more complex, as


true light

Angel Dust are a better band, that doesn't make em more creativity which I know NEVERMORE ARE, are we going to hear more of Seppard's bass, becasue I can't hear fuck of it, on the new one(dHDw).

Tell you a fucken good band, its MOB RULEZ, they sound lame, but tear the kick ass bitches apart, dissect their ever sec, and I tell you they are awesome. WD, hook up with the singer, man so what they have short hair, there not from sweden, but I tell you they are the most melodic complex band I have heard all year 2002.

Angel Dust are great musicians, but i don't really like what they do.

Mob Rulez?? Is that how you spell it, or was that in Magspelling? :err: I'll check 'em out. I'm not expecting POE thought. :)
Templi says: If you want POE i have eyefear from MELBOURNE, you want that ripped....it will cost ya you know, meathead.
Fuck all the grocery's were gone at 9pm tonight, shit man...got the basics, but fuck, its like the end of the world with this special holiday.

Yes, its mags spelling, there very in tune with each other...MOB RULES.

Edge of Existence

Eyefear's first (and only) disc Edge of Existence is wonderfully dark and powerful, with great melodies and finely crafted songs, the kind of tunes that get in your head and stay there. Trust me, you'll have the hooks from this record in your head for a long time, singing a chorus to yourself or humming a verse. It's one of those records that improves with each listen, as hidden nuances and subtleties float to the surface and make you realize how amazing this album really is.

The band's self-professed musical influences range from Helloween and Death to Skid Row and Pearl Jam, so the end result is music that draws on a variety of diverse sources yet stands alone as unique in style and sound. I hear quite a bit of Andy Laroque in Con's guitar playing, and the band's overall vibe has hints of the dark undertone that made Sanctuary so cool, plus the classiness of early Queensrÿche and vintage King Diamond (circa his masterpiece Abigail).

The tunes on Edge of Existence cover a wide range of styles, from the catchiness and soaring vocal lines of stunning album opener "Of Blind Faith" to the seething frustration of the "ballad" called "Reflection Faded." Or check out the jagged rhythmic shifts of "The Running Man" and the haunting chorus melodies of "Spellbound." Every track is absolutely brilliant, carefully written and constructed....no weak spots or filler. Jason's intelligent lyrics complement the music perfectly, and the vocal melodies and hooks on the record are outstanding.

The production on the record is perfect—crisp, clean and heavy. The whole package is terribly classy and far beyond what can be expected from most independent releases. Eyefear has come up with a fantastic record and a highly impressive debut effort. This is definitely a band to be reckoned with in the future.

I really could blather on with more praise and superlatives, but instead I'll just say that this is an amazing record and that it's probably one of my favorite purchases of the last few years (and I buy alot of records). I recommend this record to everyone I meet, and I think that every fan of power metal would absolutely love this album. I listen to Edge of Existence constantly, and every time I hear it I consider myself lucky to have discovered this band. Check them out for yourself and you'll see what I mean!
Originally posted by true light

Tell you a fucken good band, its MOB RULEZ, they sound lame, but tear the kick ass bitches apart, dissect their ever sec, and I tell you they are awesome. WD, hook up with the singer, man so what they have short hair, there not from sweden, but I tell you they are the most melodic complex band I have heard all year 2002.

MOB RULES are boring.
the kind of tunes that get in your head and stay there. Trust me, you'll have the hooks from this record in your head for a long time, singing a chorus to yourself or humming a verse.

Tell me, are you deliberately trying to make a parallel with Kylie Minogue, and hence turn me away from the band? :lol:

I'll check em out... thanks.
with some german feel good metal.

Good night to you sir.