well while you were enjoying powerfest....


Nov 4, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
well while you are all enjoying powerfest right now, im at home doing a social studies project on the westward expansion. arggh, i can see it now. i bet you are headbanging to tad morose playing servant of the bones right now...ah yes. MADE OSIRUS THE GOD-SEND KIIING! OH THE MEMORIES OF OOLD! me and dargor are enjoying the thought of being at powerfest, argh. yes, ITS YOUR FACE THAT I SEE, IN THE MIST IN MY DREAAAMS! god dam this social studies project. if it wasnt for my parents and school i could be enjoying a night of metal right now. aw i can see urban up their right now, his right leg up on one of those box things that line the front of the stage, and krunt on his left busting out the new clear skies riff. aaah man....ive gotta finish my ss now.
lady_space said:
Oh, hell, yes... but I don't know how soon I can *handle* another TM date! lol
And, yes, we missed you!


WHAT??? I'm ready for another before I really start to go through withdrawl. Round up the Posse. Had a great time hanging with everyone. Must do it again SOON!!!!!
Hey man, been there done that. Missed many shows doing that. I missed seeing you there too!


Oh, hell, yes... but I don't know how soon I can *handle* another TM date! lol
And, yes, we missed you!


Well at least I know I am loved and was missed. Maybe next time :D

lady_space said:
Of course! It was hard trying to have fun without you there, but we all put on a brave face and did our best! ;)


Hey at least ya'll all gave it your best shots. I am proud of all of you. I know a Bryantless festival is shrouded with depression and anguish lijke a dark ominous cloud hanging over it. :D

Kim K said:
WHAT??? I'm ready for another before I really start to go through withdrawl. Round up the Posse. Had a great time hanging with everyone. Must do it again SOON!!!!!

I second that wholeheartedly! Soon is right -- how about next month? :loco:

Bryant said:
I was at home changing poopy diapers. :yuk: I hope TM can make another US date pretty soon.

Now that I think about it, my living room is bigger than the stage at JJ Kelley's, and I my downstairs neighbor is a rip-roaring bitch. C'mon, guys whaddaya say?? I don't pay well, but I have lots of beer (and I know where I can get mineral water. ;))
