Went from this to that


Sep 13, 2008
Got a request for you guys. I'm sometimes mind-blown by the power of some clips I hear on this forum, and I got to hear what's going on.

The request is very simple. In your reply, post a short section, maybe 15 seconds of a SINGLE track of untreated guitar you used for your clip (Went from this ...) and then post the same short section after you went through your mixing process (... to that).

I don't know about others, but to me, man will this be educational.
BEFORE - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3163522/BEFORE - guitar clip.mp3

One track - a bridge single coil, no EQ'ing or compression, just the raw distorted track :D

AFTER - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3163522/AFTER - guitar clip.mp3

Four tracks two bridge single coil tracks, two bridge humbucker tracks and a bass track. EQ'ed, slightly compressed and G-Clipped.

I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted, if its not, I can post something else but with what you want :D

That's exactly the kind of post I'm looking for. What a freaking change man. The fact that you added what you did to get your result is great. It's not too detailed and it gives a good idea of the process. Excellent.
That's exactly the kind of post I'm looking for. What a freaking change man. The fact that you added what you did to get your result is great. It's not too detailed and it gives a good idea of the process. Excellent.

I can post another section where a bit more is happening, and maybe with some screenshots this time if anyone is interested :D
I'd be interested in hearing full tracks with the master bus on and off as well

EDIT: plus explanation of what's going on on that master bus, if possible, that'd rock a lot, and it'll help some people here for sure, me included
Great idea for a thread! (Sticky even?) Ill have to get my fat-ass in gear and finish some shit up soon...
I'd be interested in hearing full tracks with the master bus on and off as well

EDIT: plus explanation of what's going on on that master bus, if possible, that'd rock a lot, and it'll help some people here for sure, me included

I've almost finished mixing my Obituary cover, I'm getting pic's, info and DI/un-mixed tracks ready to upload for this thread :D

This could be a pretty awesome thread if its gets going!
This could be a pretty awesome thread if its gets going!

With the easter weekend at hand, I may have picked the wrong time to start it, but yeah, if people get into it, it will be great to hear what the author managed to do with his tools at hand.

The format you used on your reply was perfect and should be the template:

BEFORE - (Insert clip here)

Explanation ( Ex: One track - a bridge single coil, no EQ'ing or compression, just the raw distorted track)

AFTER - (Insert clip here)

Explanation (Ex: Four tracks two bridge single coil tracks, two bridge humbucker tracks and a bass track. EQ'ed, slightly compressed and G-Clipped.)
With the easter weekend at hand, I may have picked the wrong time to start it, but yeah, if people get into it, it will be great to hear what the author managed to do with his tools at hand.

The format you used on your reply was perfect and should be the template:

BEFORE - (Insert clip here)

Explanation ( Ex: One track - a bridge single coil, no EQ'ing or compression, just the raw distorted track)

AFTER - (Insert clip here)

Explanation (Ex: Four tracks two bridge single coil tracks, two bridge humbucker tracks and a bass track. EQ'ed, slightly compressed and G-Clipped.)

Ok dude, I might have another clip I can post later :D

I really think this needs to be a "sticky" thread :D
Im just posting something here to move this back up the list of threads because I think it deserves more input and its a good idea anyway. :)
Thanks for the bump. Yeah, wonder why it's not catching on. Personally, I think it's a kickass way of showing off your mixing prowess, as well as being very useful for the rest of us who are learning about hearing the big picture behind the single track. But I admit that it does require a little bit more efforts to post two clips instead of one.
I think it's a good idea but I'm currently too busy with my own stuff to reply with anything useful. I just got my new camera though and will be making videos and shit throughout my progress. I'll try to remember this thread when I enter the mixing stage so I can show some stuff from my project. I'm running amp sims for the guitars though so there's really no "from this to that" since the tone is created in the box.
I'm running amp sims for the guitars though so there's really no "from this to that" since the tone is created in the box.

Maybe, but you'd still get that clip of one track of guitar, alone and unprocessed (except for your amp sim) as well as the same clip mixed, so you'd still be legal :)