Went from this to that

good idea!

BEFORE - (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3961577/BEFORE - GuitarsMago.mp3)

One track, EMG81, Vox Tonelab, No Comp/EQ ect. Raw tonelab sound

AFTER - (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3961577/AFTER - GuitarsMago.mp3)
Full Mix (Drums & Bass)
Two Tracks, 2x EMG81, Matching EQ, EQ

Great post. Love to hear the differences.

This is great for me to hear, I'm futzing with a mix now that's quad tracked, but sounds absolutely NOTHING like this, the guitars just seem so thin in comparison, even with the bass mixed in.

Back to the drawing board.
Excellent posts guys, simply excellent. For those who choose to get into this thread, you have no idea how useful this is as a point of reference. Please keep them coming.