Were not gonna fall


Doubtful About It All
Dec 10, 2005
I don't know if this has already been posted but is it just me or does the beginning of were not gonna fall sound the same as 0:20 in reroute to remain by inflames?
It ruled a while ago.
oh well, I cant talk shit cause I'll find I write somthing and it sounds similar to some things I've been recently listenign too...Only no where near as goo :p
I noticed that opening riff of WNGF sounds similar to Shadows Fall - What drives a weak opening Riff, it is almoust same, but i don't give a fuck about it, good song.
This is just retarded. There are so many songs in the world, and I'm only talking about heavysongs. It's hard nowadays to create an album that has riffs that 0% remind some other. So shut up.
Jesse- said:
This is just retarded. There are so many songs in the world, and I'm only talking about heavysongs. It's hard nowadays to create an album that has riffs that 0% remind some other. So shut up.

I fully agree with this
You may also want to check the following similarities:

Slipknot - (sic) (from 0:32 to 0:37)
Children of Bodom - Trashed, Lost & Strungout (from 0:34 to 0:39)

Slipknot - Eyeless (from 0:41 to 0:44)
Children of Bodom - If you want peace, prepare for war (from 0:40 to 0:43)

I don't mind them myself, but thought some you might be interested.