Were there TV spots for Volume 8?

Mar 4, 2002
I've been meaning to ask this question but keep forgetting. When I first got to college and was downloading like a madman, I remember trying to find Inside Out and it was the first song that hooked me on the band. I keep thinking the reason I was searching for that song was because I saw a commercial for Volume 8 on TV that played clips from the Inside Out video. Does anyone remember if this was the case? If not, maybe I just found that song thru divine intervention.
I think there may have been something. I remember watching "rock show" on Vh1 and seeing some shit. That was a little ways back though, my memory is not so hot sometimes.

There was def a spot for WCFYA though, that I am sure of.
Inside Out is a really cool video. I remember when they made it, I was really impressed because most Anthrax videos have always kind of sucked. In my World was such a retarded video. Belly of the Beast was OK. Nothing special. Got the Time was OK. Concept wise, Only and Room for One More were the same was Got the Time. But it's always cool to see the band do a little acting like they did in Inside Out and Black Lodge. Isn't that what music videos are all about anyway??
yeah inside out is an awesome vid, love the twilight zone feel of the whole deal.......i like the video to fueled too,

and i still havent seen the bloody zombie vid for what doesnt die yet , who's gonna show it over here!
I never saw the belly of the beast video. I gotta pick up that no hits DVD still, bla.

I liked the madhouse video because it was so delightfuly cheezy. On the POV tape, when they are introducing it, my favourite part is when Frank says "They wouldn't play it on MTV because they said it was 'detrimental to mental patients!' What is that?!"
Thrillho said:
I never saw the belly of the beast video. I gotta pick up that no hits DVD still, bla.

I liked the madhouse video because it was so delightfuly cheezy. On the POV tape, when they are introducing it, my favourite part is when Frank says "They wouldn't play it on MTV because they said it was 'detrimental to mental patients!' What is that?!"

I've seen Belly Of The Beast...well in the news archive you can find a link to the page where they have ALL Anthrax videos, including this one.
MTV did ban Madhouse video from these exact reason. They also banned WDD because there was violence on zombies.
They played WDD on Uranium or Metal Asylum the other day, man that's a badass video. Who Cares Wins was good too, it had a great motive to it. BTW--it was Dan that made the comment about "detrimental to mental patients", not Frank.
johnnieCzech said:
I've seen Belly Of The Beast...well in the news archive you can find a link to the page where they have ALL Anthrax videos, including this one.
MTV did ban Madhouse video from these exact reason. They also banned WDD because there was violence on zombies.

The news archive only has news from the union to present.:Smug:
The_Great_WV_Trendkill said:
think they'll make a "no hit wonders" dvd with Bush era videos?

and no, killer A's doesnt count because it doesnt have the newer ones, and is cut by belladonna era live footage

I never understood why there was critisism about the Killer A's video when it first came out but in hindsight, now I see why. They should have a DVD with every single Bush video and lots of bootleg Bushthrax footage which I can provide. I have an awesome 8mm stashed somewhere in my mom's house with Bush that's priceless. Billy Milano too. Hope it's not all warped and fucked up from years in a cold basement.

Back in 95/96, I brought a cheap camdcorder with me to evey Anthrax show I went to. I've lost alot of shit because I'm retarded about remembering where I leave shit. And I've always been somewhat of a nomad.