Volume 8


Still Writes in Crayon
Feb 20, 2003
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hiya.. i was at a record store earlier and noticed they actually had a Volume 8: The Threat Is Real in stock... and i purchased it...

was there a 'edited' version of this album???
i ask this becuz on the back it says "P & V" when on the thrax site it says "Piss N Vinegar".... and in the song itself it has 'motherfuckin' edited.. and the word is not listed in the lyrics in the booklet... also on the thrax site it doesnt say that there was a clean version made (like it says for State of Euphoria)

so is it an edited version of the album? or are all like that...

(hope not.. i hate it when lyrics are blanked out or edited)
my copy defo has no edits at all, not on the cover or songs......they do make clean versions tho sometimes......maybe fer worried parents or summink..........
Did you not have the album before? If you did, was there a difference? Mine says "P & V" on the back too, and some of the swear words are edited. Fuck Tommy Boy. They should know better. I am pretty sure all of the American copies were like this. I remember people complaining on the old message board about this.

The black & white promo version of the album was not censored at all. I don't remember what the back said and I don't have it with me; I am just referring to the actual recording.
well even if its edited its not TOO big of a deal... Piss N Vinegar is really the only song that gets censored.... i can deal with that i guess... 2 words edited from one song on the whole album isnt unbearable

thx for responding... at least now i know... hopefully Volume 8 will get reissued [i know thrax has said theyd like to] like SoWN and Stomp442 with no stupid edits and maybe a extra song or so (the more the better)... ill have to buy that copy too =]


(Edit: and what a jammin album it is...)
I don't have Volume 8 yet and would like to get it one day.
I actually had it in my hands at Walmart one day and decided to get something else, it was probably for the best though because I bet it was the edited version considering I found it at Walmart.
All of the American ones are like this. The P&V Single has the song un-edited. and it is also un-edited on the Strange Land Sound Track... oh yeah.. The Black&White DJ cd is also un-edited...
forevernin said:
I don't have Volume 8 yet and would like to get it one day.
I actually had it in my hands at Walmart one day and decided to get something else, it was probably for the best though because I bet it was the edited version considering I found it at Walmart.

Not a good move.
Here's what you do. Buy it if it's still there. If you're too much a purist to listen to what might be an edited version, sell it on eBay. Then say goodbye to ever owning it on CD because you're never going to find it anywhere else unless it gets re-released, which I bet won't happen for a while.
AlexStomp said:
I didn't even know they released Piss and Vinegar as a single

I think Buddy is referring to this:
3 song untitled promo CD
1. Crush
2. Piss and Vinegar
3. Killing Box
listed here: http://anthraxtheband.com/html/discs/ANTHRAX_volume8.htm

Damn, this discography needs updated. I hate the thought of adding all those shit compilations that Island has allowed other companies to release, but I think they are needed on there to make it accurate.
??? Never heard 'bout that. On my copy of course there's Piss N Vinegar listed and of course there is motherFUCKIN fortified!
You guys are lucky because in England I can't get hold of Volume 8. I've seen it on the HMV site for £20.99 or something stupid but as much as I love Anthrax's music, I can completely 100% reassure you that I am not that desitute.