Were you brought up with music?

"I wasn't. I know more about the music of my parents generation than they do. Oh sure, they might remember a song here and there, but they certainly didn't have an extensive record collection that I could trawl through."

Testify! I'm forever berating my Mum for her complete ignorance of and disinterest in the music of her era. I love the sixties and early seventies stuff that she was lucky enough to experience first hand but she never took any bloody notice! I once played her Stairway to Heaven and she just shrugged and said "it's all right I s'pose". Mind you, what else can one expect from a woman who turns on AM radio first thing in the morning and lets her ears absorb any old crap?

My Dad, on the other hand, is a total poser who listens to classical and thinks anything else is beneath him. The irony is I probably know more about classical music than he does :lol:.

Short answer? No I wasn't brought up with music. Everything I enjoy listening to I had to discover for myself. Shame that...

Dad listens to such things as early priest, maiden, sabbath, pink floyd, alan parsons project. deep purple, radio birdman, etc etc.

I used to listen to it with him when I was growing up.

He bought me Def Leppard and Alice Cooper albums when I was about 4 or so.

When I was about 10, my cousin showed me rage against the machine.

I was always fucking metal.
Actually now that I think about it, my dad has always been into bands like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath... a lot of stuff from the 70s that I'm now into. But he never really listened to it around the house or really imparted his liking of that music onto me and my siblings.
Yep, there was always music playing at our house.

If Dad was awake, then he seemed to think that we all should be awake.

Back in the 60s, in Melton Victoria, it was the BeeGees...which is cool as I still like their early stuff.

In the 70s and 80s, we had Leo Sayer, Rod Stuart, That sister Mary somefuckorother who did "the Lord's Prayer" in a rock fashion, "Won't you make love to me, let it be, set me free ?" (whoever sung that), Hot Chocolate, then finally, Kenny and Dolly doing it in the stream.

The fianl straw was when Pachelbell's ICBM (reputedly Pachelbell's cannon, but at volume 11, and 06:30 chronologically...it earned ICBM status)

My brother flipped first, listening to Motley Crue, and 7th Son.

Parents reacted somewhat, so I joined in.
Simalar story to a few others my parents were in to country ...........dad has a few records I remember once they saw a band "The singing Kettles " in Bourke at the Bowling Club mum got the record signed. I like most aussie kids I like Skyhooks at stuff like that after seeing them on countdown, but a few mates were into Purple, Sabbath etc and it started from their , those mates don't even listen to sabbath now...........cause they reckon the growed up hahhah
we had a babysitter in last night, and Rhiannon was asking she was amazed that Rhiannon would wake up, and ask for Iron Maiden, then go to sleep after half a song.

The funniest part was, that Rhiannon was conceinved at the "Sanctuary Inn", in Albury, after we tried to find somewhere to party, and were stuck at a pub where they played nothign but Casey Chambers, and danced with their pre-teen cousins (at a wedding reception).
My brother was my greatest influence when it came to music. I was brought up listening to nothing but metal since I can remember, but I mainly grew up on Alice Cooper.

…aand barbie and the rockers too :blush:
I was brought into this world with music from what my mum used to say.
In our house if dad wasn't watching sport on the tv music was playing.
In order to get me to go to sleep my dad would play Alice Cooper, led Zepplin, this Woodstock album. To get me in a good mood to go to school dad would put on Alice Cooper.
I learnt how to change a record long before I could ride a bike with training wheels.
My parents record collection would be bigger than Brian's and mine.
My dad took me to my 1st concert Kiss when I was not quiet six.Ever since then I have always gone to concerts with one of my parents till I started going of to concerts on my own.
I got my first full stereo at 8 and started buying my own records and tapes with the money I saved from doing odd jobs for the neighbours and my parents.
So yes music is part of my heart and soul thanks to my folks. Even the man my mother married after my dad died is a big music fan....he got to see the original Beatles in Liverpool as a lad.

One thing I've been wondering, how do people work out when their kid was conceived? Unless rooting is an annual event, it can't be that easy, can it?