West African Music


Nov 19, 2001
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I know this is a off-topic on a site dedicated to metal- but, I heard a few West African songs from a dude named ALi Farka Toure- and I loved them- does anyone know anything at all about West African music? If anyone does- please recommend me some albums that are highly regarded.
West African music? Don't know anything about it, but it sounds interesting. Maybe I'll ask my roommate if he knows anything about it; he's Nigerian and partially grew up in Nigeria.
I agree, If a metal band could incorporate the percussion of west african music it would be highly interesting- Im not talking about the rather lame tribal beats of Soufly either.

I think it would take a metal band not from Africa to find out how to play some of the instruments- and then incorporate them in thier music.

Well, we can always dream.
I agree nergal, from the little Ive heard, African percussion has alot of feel and even emotion- it seems to breathe- unlike the sometimes static drumming over here.

I draw the line at Indian music- I had a Indian neighbor in my apartment building who was a grad student at my college, he would crank up the indian music all the time- and god it is bad.
nergal_S said:
Its good to see people are open to other music!
Alot of metal drumming is close to african drumming in the speed and intensity.
Really? I just downloaded a couple songs from the aforementioned African musician, and they are all mellow and slow. I still like them though.
I was in a art musem one time and they had a part that was about africa. They were showing african music with like 20-30 people on drums and one guy running around with a mask and head banging, the music was very fast and brutal
Well I have done some researching on West African music- West Africa is of course were jazz, blues, and reggae were thought to be inspired from- well anyway there are alot of great blues bands- and guitarists also- the top artists include Salif Keita, Habib Koite, Toumani Doubati and Damon Albane- from what I have heard- they all use jazz - to reggae style percussion- there are no tribal drums- in fact what Ive heard so far is very very good- I would recommend any jazz or blues or even progressive music lover to check them out- as they do some intereting things, and play with more soul than every lame power metal guitarist combined.The vocals are unbelievable.
I have some cd's by some people from Cape Verde. Bau is one of them and I have 4 cd's by him. I haven't listened much to them unfortunatly, but "Raquel" is a bad-ass song!
Cesarie Evora is also cool and I have 7 cd's by her, but haven't really listened to them either. "Petit days" is a bad-ass song though!
Ismaël Lo is also cool, although from Senegal. Try getting "Tajabone" or "Nassarane"
Varg says:


You`re listening to my pals-music!!!! Turn that shit off, or I`ll smash your face with this fake mace I bought from the local goth-store.
Are you kidding Harp Heaven? Well at least your politically incorrect- or politically correct if you are a black metal viking. I wouldnt call African music, my pals music- hell they pretty much invented rock in a roundabout way- which spawned metal.

Yet what is stranger; a white boy listening to good african music- or a white boy listening to songs about Vikings by guys in corpse paint? I mean just look at that picture-

I'd somewhat agree with you if you were railing on rap- I dont think I am black enough to get the whole gangsta thing- I think I would loook like Jamie Kennedy in his new movie- Malibu Most wanted- if i tried to be down with the whole rap thing.
speed said:
Are you kidding Harp Heaven? Well at least your politically incorrect- or politically correct if you are a black metal viking. I wouldnt call African music, my pals music- hell they pretty much invented rock in a roundabout way- which spawned metal.

Yet what is stranger; a white boy listening to good african music- or a white boy listening to songs about Vikings by guys in corpse paint? I mean just look at that picture-

I'd somewhat agree with you if you were railing on rap- I dont think I am black enough to get the whole gangsta thing- I think I would loook like Jamie Kennedy in his new movie- Malibu Most wanted- if i tried to be down with the whole rap thing.

It`s amazing how people need a "J/K" or a "smiley" to understand whether people are kidding or not when they say such amazingly transparent attempts at irony like my own.
Sorry- i thought you were kidding- but I wasnt too sure- and I ve run into a bunch of crazies on this site who are not kidding at all about alot of stuff- from race to etc. I think my pals gave me the idea you werent kidding- sorry anyway.
speed said:
Sorry- i thought you were kidding- but I wasnt too sure- and I ve run into a bunch of crazies on this site who are not kidding at all about alot of stuff- from race to etc. I think my pals gave me the idea you werent kidding- sorry anyway.

Speed, we`re cool. I know that some guys out there have sincere beliefs in Varg and his bullshit theories, so I can understand(albeit only barely)why you were inclined to take what I wrote seriously. It wasn`t all that funny either :(