Whalers "ram" morons

tbh, anti-whaling/dolphing whatever in the sea of japan/pacific is really fucking out of hand. And it is way fucking worse than TV shows it.
This is one of the few hippie causes that i approve
That is hilarious.

And are you condoning whaling or simply stating activists are faggots?

Both really.

tbh, anti-whaling/dolphing whatever in the sea of japan/pacific is really fucking out of hand. And it is way fucking worse than TV shows it.
This is one of the few hippie causes that i approve

Wait, what? Anti-Whaling is out of hand and worse than tv, and you approve it?
Sure whatever, but those tools are going about it the wrong way. Heck, if i was one of the jap whalers and i had a rifle, i wouldn't think twice about putting some lead into those hippie faggots and not regret it afterwards if they tried those wanker tactics on my vessel.

Also, whale meat is fucking king
Sure whatever, but those tools are going about it the wrong way. Heck, if i was one of the jap whalers and i had a rifle, i wouldn't think twice about putting some lead into those hippie faggots and not regret it afterwards if they tried those wanker tactics on my vessel.

Also, whale meat is fucking king

what would be the right way? i mean, if you didn't like whale meat
what would be the right way? i mean, if you didn't like whale meat

Not that I have given this much thought(as i frankly give very little shit), but doing a proper investigation(disproving their scientific claims, which are obviously bullshit), take it to the UN/Government of a country(i.e not a bullshit organization that noone gives a rats ass about), and present the proof that they are not only over-whaling, but also violating several points of animal rights and such.

This is actually entirely doable, but it requires time and resources spent on investigative purposes and political know-how(i.e not just sending them a letter saying HAY GUISE DER BE JAPS A-WHALIN).

Of which if they spent less money on being terrorists at sea, they would've been pretty close to, if not already accomplished by this time.

What they're currently doing is not only illegal, but it works against its purpose over there, the Japs will just fight harder when they're going up against someone now (unofficially, i think) labeled international terrorists.
oh shit, i must hurry and tell them to take their studies to a important government department, if the government only knew whats going on, they would fix it quickly.
oh shit, i must hurry and tell them to take their studies to a important government department, if the government only knew whats going on, they would fix it quickly.

Nah man, lets just ride on a tiny raft playing chicken with a fuckhuge boat and shoot lasers at their eyes and throw ropes into their engines, we're saving the world!
Don't worry, we have a plethora of endangered species we can gorge in, if we ever run out of those we can always make some species endangered, we're good at it
Muffin puffin, I usually agree with you in mostly everything, but this time I'll have to disagree.

While someone puts in motion the slow and sluggish judicial process that you suggested, which someone in doubt already did (or they wouldn't risk their lives with such extreme actions), there are whales dying and risking becoming extinct. It's not like there's a farm of whales (although I have to be honest that I wouldn't condone whale killing even if there were herds of them, I'm all for eating stupid animals like cows, but whales are anything but stupid), it's an actual species that's going down the drain while authorities do nothing. Whales are also important, and animals from whose intelligence and social structure we can learn a lot. Humanity would lose a treasure if they were to become extinct, and so they have to take action the only way that is sure to work, attacking whaling ships.

Of course it's wrong, but we live in a world grey and black. It's less wrong.
Muffin puffin, I usually agree with you in mostly everything, but this time I'll have to disagree.

While someone puts in motion the slow and sluggish judicial process that you suggested, which someone in doubt already did (or they wouldn't risk their lives with such extreme actions), there are whales dying and risking becoming extinct. It's not like there's a farm of whales (although I have to be honest that I wouldn't condone whale killing even if there were herds of them, I'm all for eating stupid animals like cows, but whales are anything but stupid), it's an actual species that's going down the drain while authorities do nothing. Whales are also important, and animals from whose intelligence and social structure we can learn a lot. Humanity would lose a treasure if they were to become extinct, and so they have to take action the only way that is sure to work, attacking whaling ships.

Of course it's wrong, but we live in a world grey and black. It's less wrong.

And everything you just said got invalidated by this. I don't condone making whales extinct, but I don't support anything these guys do on sea, and I never will.

"Of course it's wrong, but we live in a world grey and black. It's less wrong."
:| Two wrongs make a right? No wonder there's shit like war crimes in the world if this is the general mentality.

I do not, and will not ever condone criminal activity, certainly not terrorism(be it eco-terrorism or not), regardless of the purpose(not in the case of where the rule is corrupted and non-logical laws apply, of course).

And as a matter of fact, New-Zealand is in negotiations with the Japanese on this subject, but seeing as that boat was registered in New-Zealand, I don't think the Japanese would be very willing to listen to what NZ has to say anymore.

You have to understand that the Japanese people don't respond well to shit like this, they NEVER have, if anything they'll only fight harder now. I'll be thoroughly surprised if they ever gave up whaling just because some rambo hippies throw ropes into their engines.
fuck political correctness, there are some awful motherfuckers in this words and if you don't stand out and burn their fucking ship, nothing is gonna happen.
fuck political correctness, there are some awful motherfuckers in this words and if you don't stand out and burn their fucking ship, nothing is gonna happen.

The problem is that someone HAS to uphold the laws completely for they to stay consistent, If everyone just thought "fuck it, i don't agree with this so i'll break this law by doing something to hinder it", it would escalate, and be done on smaller and smaller levels. Maybe attacking whaler ships is not the worst thing in the world, but its the principle that matters, if everyone just allowed this to happen, what kind of message will this show other people?

Attacking the vessels is going about the issue the EASY way. It's the same thing with Israel breaking war rules when using WP and guided missiles against human targets, it's fucking illegal and against the geneva convention. But its EASY compared to conventional warfare. And they kill the palestine terrorists dead. And in this example too, there are two wrongs, two parties doing illegal things, there's nothing right about what the terrorist do there(even though imo they have the right for their land).
What message does this send to the terrorists? It sends a clear message that all means are ok, rules don't matter.

There's a reason why soldiers chose to DIE instead of using an ambulance as a means of escape; It's to preserve a RULE, that ALL units with a big red cross on them, are NOT targets and will have safe passage.

And its the same in this scenario, and on a bigger scale too, we have to bite our tounges and do shit the hard way, to preserve the greater good of our society's stability.
And to be honest, I'd rather have a preserved society, than a bunch of happy whales.

And yes, this incident will matter in the stability, everything does, and we have to minimize incidents as much as physically possible, because it is a snowball effect.

Something will happen, whether or not it will be in time, is an other matter, but setting THIS example to the world(that if you use enough violence and disregard laws you get what you want) is NOT the way to go about. Be fucking civil about it.
And everything you just said got invalidated by this. I don't condone making whales extinct, but I don't support anything these guys do on sea, and I never will.

"Of course it's wrong, but we live in a world grey and black. It's less wrong."
:| Two wrongs make a right? No wonder there's shit like war crimes in the world if this is the general mentality.

I do not, and will not ever condone criminal activity, certainly not terrorism(be it eco-terrorism or not), regardless of the purpose(not in the case of where the rule is corrupted and non-logical laws apply, of course).

It certainly is your right to think so. See, I'm more of the 'chaotic good' type. If it does good, it's good, no matter what established laws say... you gotta bend rules sometimes

And as a matter of fact, New-Zealand is in negotiations with the Japanese on this subject, but seeing as that boat was registered in New-Zealand, I don't think the Japanese would be very willing to listen to what NZ has to say anymore.

You have to understand that the Japanese people don't respond well to shit like this, they NEVER have, if anything they'll only fight harder now. I'll be thoroughly surprised if they ever gave up whaling just because some rambo hippies throw ropes into their engines.

That's certainly a more compelling argument. But it would be dishonest of the japanese government to hold new-zealand's government (with whom they're holding negotiations) accountable for an act of one of their citizens. There are criminals everywhere.