What a Fucked up afternoon!


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
My Buddy and Brother of Metal Jesse came over he had some buisness to take care of in the next town over and asked me to go with him we were going to go get some Chinese after and just after he got done his stuff we were traveling west and a Sherrif pulled us over for Obstructed winshield ... he had some things hanging from the mirror but when the cop asked him why he was pulled over Jesse says "What for not weareing my seatbelt?" cop says "No, but thats another one" so he gets Jesses Regastration, Insurance and Licence gand goes and writes him a ticket for $160 No points on his license and 25 for no seatbelt the cop comes back gives Jesse his License and stuff and starts to explain the Tickets he goes to hand Jesse his Ticket Jesse starts the car and Takes off Leaving the cop standing there I looked at Jesse and asked him Dude what are you doing!!!???!!! (you can add the swears) he says "Oh they will just Mail it to me" I'm like NO! its not like that! Meanwhile there was another crusier right up the road, so the first radios the the guy up ahead and gets behind us and I'm like DUDE PULL OVER!!!! he pulls over the cop comes over with his gun out pointed at jesse and yells for him to get out of the car Jesse does and Holds his arms out and says "What are ya gonna do, Shoot me?!?"at that point the first cop catches up and they procede to try and take Jesse down it took 2 of them and Jesse Let them take him down and cuff em and stuff em and then it was my turn cop 2 comes over to the car and Barks for me to get out of the crusier and tells me to put my hands up on the car and ofcourse naturally I say "For What? I'm the Passenger!" so he starts pushing me and I told him to F-in Relax and let him pat me down, now the thing is I had some Items in my Jacket pocket that he somehow didnt notice lucky and I mean LUCKY for me he was looking for weapons he then proceded to Interogate me abit asking me what we are up to, in that "I know you guys are evil drug lords" kinda way and I flat out Explained what happened from the moment it started to that point several times over after a while he calmed down and realised I wasnt a threat and ran my ID had my fill out a statement and let me go 30 miles from home with no ride bastards ... and I just heard from Jesse they released him and he is on his way home which is good ... So yeah What an Afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow dude, thatd be a rush :lol:
i know a kid that ran from the cops, and was sucessful.....so it can be done!
but having said that....im not planning on running anytime soon
sixxswine said:
Your "friend" doesn't exactly split atoms for a living now does he?!
Man, that was pretty fucked up. Well, it could have been worse you guys could have been going out for an 8th of weed & got popped for that too...

Naw he really doesnt ... but I can gaurentee ya if that cop had started really roughing me up they would of had to shoot him to take him down ... when he was very very young apparently the docs dianosed him as some kind of crazy and loaded the poor kid with every kind of med they could find ... so his umm lack of common sense isnt totally his fault .... but thats what the cops were lookin for well not weed... Herion and when jesse pulled the drive off that made them think we were trying to hide something hahaha I got very lucky cause I had a small amount of weed and a pipe in my pocket and that cop totally felt it in my pocket but didnt nail me I got incredibly lucky
#1_Droogie said:
wow dude, thatd be a rush :lol:
i know a kid that ran from the cops, and was sucessful.....so it can be done!
but having said that....im not planning on running anytime soon

I dont suggest running from and or Pissing them off espicially if they think you are trafficking drugs .... ofcourse the thing is he didnt even half to run from the cops ... he could have just taken his ticket and calmly drove away and there would have been no more trouble hahaha
kittybeast said:
shows to go you.....don't ever fuck with the man!
Glad you made it home JD! It sucks being a passenger when the driver wants to piss of the man!

Thanks Kitty! it really does suck!!!!! me myself I always try to be as respectful as possible with the police its not worth the trouble otherwise :lol:
sixxswine said:
No shit. Looks like your buddy was the "big game" on this date...
PCS of Schedule 1 Drug=Hefty Fine plus added bonuses...:tickled:

hahah yep he sure was, ofcourse Jesse doesnt touch anykind of drugs ... Basic I witnessed a grown man be arrested for complete stupidity :loco:
Yeah, I've had some moments with the law, sometimes the cops are dicks for no reason. Hey at least everythings seems pretty cool, If it were my friend I'd kick him in the crown jewels! I should tell you about the stupid shit that happened to two of my friends.
Another story another day. :D
Glad to see you are O.K. brother. :headbang:
"The sherrif's after me for what I did to his daughter-I did it like this, I did it like that-I did it with a wiffle-ball-bat." :Smug:
I learnt long ago NEVER to argue with a damn cop. Just pick your ticket or whatever and then go spit on the judge, but on the spot the cop is like the referee. If you argue you get the red card...or the ride in the patrol.

Glad both you and your firend came out intact.
JonnyD said:
hahah yep he sure was, ofcourse Jesse doesnt touch anykind of drugs ... Basic I witnessed a grown man be arrested for complete stupidity :loco:

That's the problem.. if he was going to go through all that hassle of running from a cop and have a gun pointed at him he should of been drunk or stoned to justify the stupidity lol ....
Dude that is a screwed up day. Your friend might be a good guy, but that was pretty dumb of him. He could have got you busted. I know in Alabama, simple possession is about a $600 fine. It's best just to take your medicine and not make things worse with the law if your caught for something already.
