What about Bodom

Well i'm not some Bodom geeky Fanboy (haha, funny word), but they are without a doubt my favorite band, this lineup is pretty good. But at the last Bodom show was really cool, because there werent any fucks there pretending to be hardcore, everyone was into it but it was pretty chill. But if you want to see evergrey up close, i would suggest getting in the front of the line because more people are going to be there for Bodom than iced earth and Evergrey, and I dont know anyone who wouldnt want to be in the very front to watch alexi play guitar. Late.
FFS, I would definantly say that COB aren't overrated. Though perhaps some of their younger fans tend to be posers ie. "I won't listen to any other typ of music, your better of dead " and all that crap but where you the cool guys/gals when you were 16-19? I saw COB/GREY the same weekend in Stockholm I thought it was just mind blowing (though the grey crowd was BOOOOORING, sry Tom but you remember), I was hung over for two days. IMO if you leave after the first band your two horses short of a... ah can't remember the punch line! :waah:
Yeah Bodom definitely isnt overrated, underrated if anything, but i dont think they have a poser following yet. It isnt really cool to like Bodom at this point. Two bands who are developing a poser following would have to be In Flames and Dimmu Borgir, especially with an ozzfest appearance. I'm curious to see all 3 bands live (although ive already seen Bodom), so this should make for an interesting night. :rock:
Nebulous said:
You guys dont deserve this tour!! Is there at least one person who is going to see ALL the bands in the line-up? Geez, id love to see them all, its like MY ultimate power metal show (i still maintain that Bodom are melodic Death- but thats not what we're discusing). When you go to shows, just enjoy the atmosphere and dont get cought up in who is better and who isnt, like i said, those of you who do.......you dont deserve the show.

Peace out
Daniel \m/

I am going to see ALL of the bands.

I saw Bodom when they toured with Nevermore/Hypocrisy/Dimmu.
You people should focus on the fact that "Three GREAT BANDS ARE PLAYING IN ONE NIGHT."

I feel sorry for those that complain about any aspect of this show, other than the local bands that open up before these three bands and the wait.

Iced Earth/Bodom/Evergrey = Ownage. :hotjump:
I'll be staying for all 3 bands. The only band I'm unsure of how much I'll enjoy is IE, but that's only because I'm more of a Barlow fan. I'm sure they'll still be a good act regardless. The line-up for this show is incredible!
Prog Maiden said:
I'll be staying for all 3 bands. The only band I'm unsure of how much I'll enjoy is IE, but that's only because I'm more of a Barlow fan. I'm sure they'll still be a good act regardless. The line-up for this show is incredible!

I stayed for all three last night in Cleveland. Worth every damn second of my time. Bodom was alright, but i think Everygrey should definitely be playing second instead of Bodom. And for those who dont dig Iced Earth, please i beg of u to stay for their show. They are absolutely amazing! \m/
1Time said:
Hey I'm a fan of both Bodom and Evergrey, but if people don't like Bodom and want to leave thats great...more room for me.
Hi Jackson skull shirt!
I hear ya! We met Alexi after the show and he's really cool. Not stuck up like everyone says. My hubby got the other guitar player (forgot his name) to sing their National Anthem- it was quite comical!