What about Dark Moor, Beyond Fear or Wuthering Heighs(again)?


Dec 5, 2002
Carrboro, NC
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I am not sure if these 3 bands have been brought up recently(too busy to check the forum every day) but I wanted to know people's thoughts on these bands..

I think the new Wuthering Heights is pretty awesome, though I dont know if its as catchy as the last one(I cant get the Longing for the Woods chorus out of my head). I didnt see them live cause I didnt go to the PP they played at but did they put on a good show? Are they worth coming back?

How about Dark Moor? Even though I really dont like the new singer(I mean, he aint bad but he sings very similar to the old singer, something that makes me thing, wtf?). Their sound is pretty cool and they would fit well on PP.

How about Beyond Fear?? Even though i am not a huge fan, the cd is actually pretty good...

what do ya guys think?
I haven't heard much Dark Moor, but they don't sound like my thing. I'd LOVE to see WH again... they were one of the bands I was most psyched to see a few years ago, and YES they put on an awesome show. Beyond Fear is also great.
I like the new WH cd, and I'd welcome them back I suppose. I really liked the cd, but the live show didn't quite live up. It was good, yeah, but if they're coming back they should go all out with guest musicians for the folk instruments.
Bring on Dark Moor, The Gates of Oblivion is a hell of an album. Bring back Elisa though.

Totally prefer Elisa to that guy they got now. Its funny cause when I heard the song 'Dark Moor' the first time I thought it was her singing..then I though, wait a minute, she doesnt sing that feminine, then I found out that they had a guy singing now. Laughter ensued.
I LOVE Dark Moor ~ Beyond the Sea was a very kewl album (hearing Vivaldi metalized was bad ass)...

I'd absolutely LOVE to see them...

But i gotta say I would freakin' kill to see Pantommind at ProgPower...
New Wuthering Heights should be out within the next week or so (fingers crossed) through Sensory.

Supposedly, the North American version has a bonus disc (not sure if it's CD or DVD) that has their PPUSA performance on there as well.

Beyond Fear would be a nice addition, they could blow the doors off the pre-party, I think.

Also, Jen...Pantommind...mmm...good call!

Rock on!
New Wuthering Heights should be out within the next week or so (fingers crossed) through Sensory.

Supposedly, the North American version has a bonus disc (not sure if it's CD or DVD) that has their PPUSA performance on there as well.

That would kick ass!:headbang: I really love the singer, Patrik Johansson....he's the shit! Would rather see his other band, Astral Doors, though...
Totally prefer Elisa to that guy they got now. Its funny cause when I heard the song 'Dark Moor' the first time I thought it was her singing..then I though, wait a minute, she doesnt sing that feminine, then I found out that they had a guy singing now. Laughter ensued.

Agreed, Elisa had balls...in a good way.
The only Dark Moor i have heard is with the new singer. "Beyond the Sea" is the album I have and I like it. He's not the best singer i've ever heard but he does the job very well. If you all say that this Elisa is better i'll have to check out some older material. What would be a good one to check out?
The only Dark Moor i have heard is with the new singer. "Beyond the Sea" is the album I have and I like it. He's not the best singer i've ever heard but he does the job very well. If you all say that this Elisa is better i'll have to check out some older material. What would be a good one to check out?

Check out 'The Hall of Olden Dreams', i think thats the name, it's great.
Sounds good. :headbang: I'll order it next week when I have some money. So many CD's from so many good bands out there. I need to get a pay raise so I can buy even more.