What album would you like to see in a Song Survivor?

What album would you like to see in a Song Survivor?

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Neither is really out-crowd though either, especially not Dissection who are regularly fellated by members of the in-crowd.
the true in-crowd position is that THE SOMBERLAIN is good but no FAR AWAY FROM THE SUN but-they-aren't-even-comparable-anyway??, and STORM OF THE LIGHT'S BANE is overrated pop metal. that was the common view around here at one time. RiP used to get shat on a lot here too, i guess it doesn't anymore though. but then i don't think this forum's anywhere near as cliquey in its tastes as it used to be.
This. Shouldn't even be up for debate really. The title track is a masterful classic, but "En as I dype skogen" has a greater emotional impact.
And the lyrics add alot to the atmosphere too, it's the closest Darkthrone have come to something like Det Som En Gang Var (the song).
Alright, I guess we're doing Atheist. I'm happy with this but I hoped Traveller would get more votes, seemed like it could've been a fun one.