What Alexi really says in Hatebreeder?

BastardOfBodom said:
but maybe you should actually listen to the lyrics, since they have a huge part in the song as a whole. sure, the music is important because it makes you recognize the song automatically once it begins playing, but the artists have put some substantial effort into getting people to hear what they have to say. and, yes, many of their songs' lyrics were written while they were shitfaced, but others, like one for example, Bed Of Razors, seemed to have Alexi's soul poured into it. especially since its from his own personal experiences. so, yah, maybe people should start paying attention to the lyrics as well as the music itself. :)

I can see where you're coming from, but I won't listen to the lyrics most of the time unless I think it means something to me. Besides, I can't understand what he's saying most of the time.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I can see where you're coming from, but I won't listen to the lyrics most of the time unless I think it means something to me. Besides, I can't understand what he's saying most of the time.

yeah haha well.. some songs u can understand him really clearly.. like Angels Don't Kill right?

but ya i guess i know what you mean too. songs are way better to one when one can relate
deathstrike from hell said:


I found penis, im gay now, it's on now,
I saw, weiner, I see so
Well I am certain of, I don't know how,
other souls love my beanbag
love licking anus from the bottom of my heart
I have no fucking right now, I see so

Beside you, I saw,
take my 2 inch penis into your jaw
Well I thought now, I said I saw
I saw it, your testicles, your manclaw

Never seen the penises inside of me,
well I'm an asshole, and I really will always be
So why now, oh let it be,
im fucking hard when i see men. I'm free
suck it hard, make a void that finishes this dried up semen
i need you to spread your legs a little farther steve so i dont get cramps

(I tell you!)

I'm accessing in all the northern light gay clubs,
you know I got no fucking other souls, guilty now
I've got no fine, no fucking thoughts, so,
a combination, now you're fucking dead

Never seen the penises inside of me,
well I'm an asshole, and I really will always be
So why now, oh let it be,
im fucking hard when i see men. I'm free
suck it hard, make a void that finishes this dried up semen
i need you to spread your legs a little farther steve so i dont get cramps

Those don't match the song at all.
Blowjob after Midnight

20 mins work :) i appreciate corrections :p

[hey yoo!]
gotta go
lick me fuck me or just go
keep your head down and just fucking blow!!

[gay cop!]
rice and shine
go and take another pint
take my ass and what about some blow???
when my back gets red and the spoon get up in the scar,
... its the battle of the gay in the night!


[kill, kill, kill!]
go fuck another's arse.
lubricant burns in my hood so high!
please my cunt is tight and hard...
take it down to the other side
and wake me up when you cum...
when the moon gets up i will rape you up in the night
the reaper sleeps on the other side letz cum!

BODOOOM at the midnight, BODOOUUM at the midnight yohooo
BLOW JOB!! after midnight.. BLOW HARD!! after midnight yoooooohhooohoooohooohoooo

{janne does a solo}

{omgAleksi's solo time}

BODOOOM at the midnight, BODOOUUM at the midnight yohooo
BLOW JOB!! after midnight.. BLOW HARD!! after midnight yoooooohhooohoooohooohoooo
LifeDepraved said:
What Alexi Really says in the song - Children of Bodom


In the sauce of jongers
Well ah, into bad shows of the bow we yow now
The Wallflower walkmen dont like no jewish pies
They're gonna sass up me arse
Yack my mow yow
It tries to yar my fucking rarrrrr

The props to fuck up my cops saw
wel catsup ye ming, i said yarrrr
This a mority, mow yow this a kicked up yarrrr
Just billy up your jimmy yow wow wrrrorrrrororr
yow wow, when i say yow, i say yarrrrrrr


HE Wants a big A plus
where With a bone out yow white why
where a yar a soul that psycho down

YOW yow YOW yow

Children of Bodom wants a young hair now
Wants a sass with a right now here yowww
Flower to the boss, bring us all down yow
Want a big ass? so yowwwwwwwwwwww

Yow we ow in a big arse do now
what art do nowww
ya thats a warrior in a, in a big ass king waorrrrr
Just feel me up like jimmy joe now wowarrrrrrr
well give me yarrr like a yarrrr, yo in a yar, yo doe yarrrrrrrrrrrr





Holy shit it actually sounds more like this than the actual lyrics.
A1a23 said:
Holy shit it actually sounds more like this than the actual lyrics.
gratz, you have just commented a 2 year old post, of which the writer isnt at UM board anymore :)
LOL, I read all these madeup lyrices and they're hilarious!!! I haven't had a good laugh in ages!!!!! These lyrices are for anyone who wants to get horny. And right now I feel like fucking someone.*looks at boyfriend* LOL, Too bad I can't right lyrices like that. I can't think of shit. These lyrices are good for a porno grind band.
I love the music. It's really good cuz it's really catchy and you could get into it the minute you hear it so you probably don't want to really read the lyrices until after you listen to the music. I like the lyrics though. They are really good and aggressive. Even the songs about Bodom are sweet.
GrimReaper666 said:
I love the music. It's really good cuz it's really catchy and you could get into it the minute you hear it so you probably don't want to really read the lyrices until after you listen to the music. I like the lyrics though. They are really good and aggressive. Even the songs about Bodom are sweet.

Yeah, I still don't know ANYTHING they're saying (I rarely look at the lyrics in the booklets) but I don't give a rat's ass, they're still my favorite band. Lyrics (as I've said before) are not important to me.
I can understand a few things he says without looking at lyrics but to understand it fully you'd have to read the lyrics. The most important thing is that the songs are musically good. But lyrics are very important to me. Since i can't express myself they way i want to, some lyrics are soo awsome cuz i can really relate to myself to it. And sometimes, the lyrics are so beautiful.