what amp would you buy?

Ive made several comparison clips between all these amps, search the forum for it.
Coreblade is really cool, I like how versatile it is, clean is awesome, it's also cool for thrashy stuff etc BUT it has this weird fizz on top that you can't dial out, still a good amp though.
I'm LOVING 6505 (not+) and Recto (old 2ch), both are awesome, really depends on the style and taste
i´m gonna forget the coreblade maybe.
The peavey is better for my taste , style, but i like versatility too.
it´s hard too pick just one.
Peavey first. Recto next.

I actually think the Peavey is MORE versatile than the Mesa. I love them both, but the 6505 is an absolute killer.

I really don't think the dual recto is any more versatile than the 6505... I mean, it's not a road king or roadster, and even those don't have the greatest cleans...

I say 6505. Awesome sounding for metal and leaves you with more money left over to pick up a separate amp for cleans, mid gain, whatever...
I'm a recto lover myself but 5150/6505 sound good too. Best choice would be to have both. Or play the difference and buy a recto and a 5150III:D
Perhaps I just don't understand why someone would have others narrow down their list of possible amps, but isn't buying an amp a very personal thing since tone is such a personal thing. I mean sure, it's ok to ask, but I'm assuming you know what sounds you like and don't like, if you like artists that tend to use a Peavey 5150/6505 type sound and that's what you are after then buy the 6505, if you want a rectifier sound - buy the rectifier, if you like the sound of the Coreblade... well you get the drift. It's not like those three amps sound similar and it's a matter of choosing which one meets your desire (say like choosing from three British voiced Marshall type amps), these all sound pretty distinctly different to my ears.

Just one of those things I find funny - sorry for the quasi rantish feel. I don't get asking others to "help me choose". Asking for advice on which amp will get me a particular sound? I get that. The problem with asking for opinions on amps is you are never going to get a consensus - it's a loaded question with so much personal bias it's not even funny.

Man up and pick the amp that speaks to you as an artist - not the amp that speaks to me (if it was me I'd probably buy a Rectifier because I prefer the recto tone over that of the Peavey line of amps, but that's just MY opinion, since you asked for it :) .)

And yes, I'm just busting your balls a little bit, but I do find these to be funny questions.

Rock on my friend, rock on! :headbang::headbang:
WAY easier to record.
not to say the dual rec can't sound absolutly great, but it is much harder to tweak it to get it sounding right for recording, wheras the 5150 is just so easy, so little effort to get an awesome tone. I'm all about that.

Oh and its at least half the price....
shame it looks butt ugly. Mine is nicknamed 'Millennium Falcon' - "she may not look like much but she's got it where it counts"