what are Nevermore's political beliefs?


Nov 23, 2003
Southern California
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What do they believe in? Any labels you can give them? Are they anti-establishment?

I notice in some of their songs they talk about how the pigs control things (optimist or pessimist), or about certain events (tiananmen man), or a song like Inside Four Walls...

What do they believe in and preach in their songs?

Are they into "conspiracies?"
I wonder what Warrel would think about having some Christian fans of his music.
I think he is friggin' smart as hell. He's prolly an armchair philosopher (sp?).
He has a lot going on in his head, and I admire that. He encourages people to think for themselves, and have their own identity. I agree with just about all of his views, accept his disdain for Christianity.
I've really been digging into his lyrics as of late, especially on Godless Endeavor, and I guess applying them to how I view society, big business, corporate America, religion, and ones own independance. Again, I find myself agreeing with him on all those issues.
It would be really fuckin' cool to be able to sit down and talk to him about all of the above, and life in general. I would also like to solicit some cool ideas for lyrics to him, and see what he could do with it.
A couple of examples would be as follows:
I read the Left Behind series about a year ago. It was a really cool read in the sense that they put a fiction twist to the second coming. At any rate, there were 12 books in the series............just enough to merit 12 tracks on a CD. It would rock to have Warrel do a concept piece on that story, in album form.
Here is another one. As I mentioned, I've been delving deeper into the issues of corporate America. Things like what makes an executive level person be what they are. What behaviors do they exhibit among there peers, both at the workplace, and away. How do they get complete fulfillment from money, because let's face it, that is the ONLY thing they are driven by and live for. How do they view others, say the average blue-collar worker. My guess is they don't even recognize them as a human being. To get to my point, I would love to climb the corporate ladder, not to have what they have, but to infiltrate their ranks. Get inside and study them quietly. See how they live, how they work, make decisions, raise a family and view the world. Here is where it get's interesting though. This raises the question, would I become one, in my project to study them. I mean, the only way you could get close enough to see the inner workings of this "secret society", is to be like one or become one, so's to gain their trust and earn an invite to their lifestyle. This would take years to do, I would imagine. So being around it that long, living and breathing it, would that twist someone? Would it turn me into what I despise and set out to ultimately expose? I would certainly hope not, but it makes you think.
This would be a neat topic for Warrel to tackle in album form. He could take it in any direction he wanted to, but it would be cool to see the dynamic of what I discussed, unfold like a story, on CD, ala Operation : Mindcrime.

I've got other things I'd like to say, and other issues I'd like to talk to Warrel about, but I can't type forever, so I'll stop and save some for later.

Everybody add your thoughts too. I'd like to hear what you all have to say on these things.
And if anyone has the power to get WD to read, and input on all this..........hook us up!
There are many philosophy professors, but few philosophers.
WHENNN THE EAGLE CRIES (about the day they took away my friend)

(and molested him in prison)

(for doing drugs)

(and then molested him again)
Brave Sir Robin said:
WHENNN THE EAGLE CRIES (about the day they took away my friend)

(and molested him in prison)

(for doing drugs)

(and then molested him again)

you know, I laughed at that, and then I thought about the fact that that's his friend, then I stopped laughing.

Meanwhile, earlier this week my sister's bf was telling me how the yellow power ranger (asian) died in a car crash and I just laughed.

I'm a terrible person :(