What are some of your favorite songs drumming/percussion-wise?

Agalloch-Not Unlike The Waves
Death-Trapped In A Corner
Amon Amarth-Death In Fire

...and the drumming on Skepticism-Farmakon I like a lot and find it very very doomy.
Amon Amarth's drumming is great because it creates the moods of the music better than many bands.

Satyricon's earlier albums have great drumming, especially the atmospheric percussion on Dark Medieval Times with songs like "Skyggedans".
Almost all songs by Perimeter (rus)
Lamb Of God - Blood Of The Scribe; The Faded Line (yes! :mad:)
Almost all songs of Mater Tenebra have great drumming
Same is with Meshuggah and Hate Eternal
~Neurotica got me thinking when she mentioned Meshuggah, Frederick Thordendal's Special Defects (guitarists side project). That album has some sick drumming. Enslaved-The Crossing also has cool drumming.
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I love a lot of stuff done by the drummer in The Crown. Killer mix of grinding brutality and pure rock n' roll. "Death Explosion" would probably be the best example.

Some other stuff:
Anata - The Conductor's Departure (generally cool, jammy parts fitting well to an insane song)
Cult of Luna - Echoes (great buildup with the tribal drum beat and generally punshing pace)
Death - Lack of Comprehension (just plain crushing on the fast parts)
Katatonia - Sleeper (not a very heavy song but cool and energetic drumming that adds another dimension to the sound)
Mastodon - I Am Ahab (awesome use of the snare drum, generally nice percussive beats)
Nile - Unas, Slayer of The Gods (I'm a sucker for the military marching section with the pedals in the middle)
Vader - Wings (the way the drums enter in the intro is beyond brutal. gotta love the blastbeats parts as well, can't go wrong with this band)

I bet I've missed a million songs, but this is what I came up with now.
Frederick Thordendal's Special Defects (guitarists side project). That album has some sick drumming.
Hell yeah! That album has sick everything - drumming, guitars, vocals and samples... Tomas Haake - Meshuggah's drummer sings there, while Morgan Agren is on drums.
I think John Haughm's drumming on Agalloch's Ashes Against the Grain is fucking exquisite - he knows when to be subtle and when to unleash. 'Fire Above, Ice Below' in particular.

'Triangular Tattvic Fire' - Melechesh
'Achilles' Last Stand - Led Zeppelin
'Deliverance' - Opeth
'The Maimed God' - Apotheosis
'Scavenger of Human Sorrow' - Death
'Inertiatic ESP' - Mars Volta
The dude from Molested, without the drumming on that album, it wouldn't be half as good.

The drummer on Gorguts - Obscura too.