What are the 5 most important bands in modern metal?

wut wut

Apr 22, 2008
You can define importance however you want: future influence; innovation; popularity; etc.

I've realized that I'm pretty out of touch with the metal scene these days. I haven't really been listening to much new metal, and only pick up new stuff from bands I got into 4 or more years ago. I hope I can get some cool suggestions for new bands to check out.

So saying that, here's my list:

Between the Buried and Me
... Seriously can't think of a 5th. There are other 'modern metal' bands I like, but none that I would consider good enough to sit with the bands above.

See, I'm pretty out of touch. The newest band there is like 7 years old, lol.
Hard one. I guess Opeth could be put there in my list too, but I'll have to think about it. Does "modern" mean that it can't be older than... How many years? From 90s onwards?
Yeah, 90's and up sounds good. I'd like to see some newer bands, but if you don't think they're Top 5 material then go with older stuff.

I started this thread thinking that I've been missing out on a lot of great recent metal, but it's possible that metal has just been in a lull for a while and I haven't been missing much of anything.
Important to the metal scene, naturally.

Wait, Dark Tranquillity is a 90's band, d'oh! And their last 5 albums have been better than their earlier stuff.

Dark Tranquillity fills my 5th spot, then. Awesome band, much better than In Flames.
what god damn universe of retardation do you have to live in to think that dark tranquillity is 'important'
I said you could define importance however you wish to.

Don't come off as so confrontational.
there's no definition of 'importance' that accommodates shitty melodeath bands, except I guess if you were going for 'most important shitty melodeath band named dark tranquillity'
Okay, we've established that you either don't like Dark Tranquillity or melodic death metal in general.

Thanks for contributing to the topic at hand.
^^ I've been baffled for a while as to why you haven't been banned yet for just sheer asshattery.
no metal band has ever been important

I think some metal bands are important in the limits of "modern metal" for example even if metal isn't all that important in the "grand scheme".

You know, actually I still don't have any idea what bands to list. None of my favourite metal bands are all that super influental even inside metal. Symphony X for example is considered to be just a heavier copy cat of Dream Theater and Wintersun only has one album... Aaand, I don't know if Emperor is more influental than any other well known 90s black metal band.

But who cares! I'll just say: Symphony X, Wintersun, Emperor, Devin Townsend and .... uh... Cynic

^^ I've been baffled for a while as to why you haven't been banned yet for just sheer asshattery.

the only thing that's baffling around here is why any human being would find it clever, funny, or timely to use any permutation of "asshat"
Metallica and Megadeth and some more popular death metal bands like Morbid Angel aren't exactly the bee's knees in modern metal but are very important still as bands that are still around and influence other modern metal a lot.
Opeth, Tool (though they're hardly metal), Isis, and I guess Meshuggah influence a lot of modern metal bands choosing to drift towards the prog/experimental music.

So yeah, I don't listen to Megadeth or Meshuggah much but in summary I guess the important ones are just the ones heavily influencing the newer bands.
the only thing that's baffling around here is why any human being would find it clever, funny, or timely to use any permutation of "asshat"

True, it's not much of a clever word, but oddly enough, where a normal human being might try to refute the belief that he is a complete asshole, your response post only seems to encourage that. Try being civil for a change?
I dont think many metal (if any) bands have big influence on the global music scene. But there have been some very influential bands within the metal scene that have had strong influence on the evolution of metal music. Metallica is an obvious choice but their influence was more developed during the 80s. So if I had to choose band during the later 90s and 2000s I would go with:

Bathory, their sound and musical themes influenced countless black, pagan, viking and folk metal bands. Their music created a scene.

Emperor, its hard to imagine a better black metal band will ever come along. Born under the chaos and darkness of the early BM years and they truly perfected the sound and took it to the peek.

Morbid Angel, They took death metal to new heights and defined a scene.

Children of Bodom, love them or hate them... they have inspired kids all over the world to pick up a guitar. Amazing guitars and melodies that have summoned the attention of the international guitar world.

Your band, in the 80s all we had were a handfull of bands reaching all the corners of the earth. But today with the help of the internet, social communication tools and the computer, we have thousands of bands, big and small rising from every corner of the planet and contributing to the world wide metal underground. Metal will never die!!

This list would of course be a bit different if I were to think of current important bands, bands that right now are pillars of the scene... But this list is related more towards the last 15 years.
True, it's not much of a clever word, but oddly enough, where a normal human being might try to refute the belief that he is a complete asshole, your response post only seems to encourage that. Try being civil for a change?

is it really normal to apply courtesies reserved for in-person interaction to retarded metalheads on the internet?