What are the greatest build up songs of all time?


What's your favorite song that starts of quiet peaceful and tranquil and over time slowly builds up to a chaotic finally?

I was listening to heaven and weak, and thought about this..

Heaven and Weak has to have the best build up I've ever heard.. At the start you're kinda swaying to the jazzy intro, and by the end of the song you're head banging and jumping around the room. This song has the same effect on me no matter how many times I listen to it...
Soundgarden's "Like Suicide", the closer from Superunknown...perfect finish for that album, with that huge, crushing ending. Blows my mind every time.
Isis has a couple of awesome buildups on Oceanic. It's great how they make it work, too...they get louder and bigger and more layered and then...they pull back. and then they get a little louder and heavier and...they pull back again. and they do it again, going further than they've gone before, and you think this time is the big payoff...and then they pull back. and finally when they le go, it's awesome.
it's a hard question... tons of bands do this....

i'm a big mogwai and sigur ros fan... those bands do it well.

but, so does ISIS and neurosis

shit, old smashing pumpkins had great songs like that...

but for my money... nothing beats GYBE!'s maya.... omg, that song tears at me every time.
Orchid: Yes, they do this just as much as every other screamo/emo/metalcore band.....

To be Convinced as to Neurosis' inherent awesomeness: Buy (or somehow listen to) "Times of Grace" or "Enemy of the Sun" and turn it up real loud. Totally amazing, pummeling incredibleness. Heaviest band I've ever seen live.
Originally posted by deadair

but for my money... nothing beats GYBE!'s maya.... omg, that song tears at me every time.

YES! GYBE! are masters of this. The best band I've seen live. Image those builds in a live situation with perfect sound and an audience who are completely silent.

and the new album is great
I have one GYBE! disc (that double one in the brown cardboard), and I have yet to REALLY listen to it. I know I'm missing something when I have heard it so far, and I will definitely listen more closely, but so far it's less than spectacular for me.

As for Neurosis- I know they can build up well, but as far as their actual chord progressions go, they seem to lose me. It seems too overall simplistic when compared to stuff like Isis where they throw in several interesting time changes and stuff- and actually, I think Isis' overall conceptual vision of their songs is much better than Neurosis'. Isis seem to have a much better grasp of what they're doing than Neurosis, esp. on Oceanic.

That's totally just my opinion though. Maybe I haven't listened to Times of Grace enough though. I still don't have the last one.
If you think Isis has a better vision of their songs over Neurosis, you definitely haven't listened to enough of the latter. Oceanic may be good, but they are still following in Neurosis' footsteps.
Pain of Salvation - Undertow

I was listening to PoS' "Undertow" earlier tonight. Amazing song.

They were so amazing live. I was blown away by Daniel's ability to pull off that range live. They emulated the albums perfectly and added so much emotion.