what are ya listenin at?

'Killing Art' - Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken (1999) Live DVD...
"God can't help you now!"


Main Entry: 1whole
Pronunciation: \ˈhōl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English hool healthy, unhurt, entire, from Old English hāl; akin to Old High German heil healthy, unhurt, Old Norse heill, Old Church Slavic cělŭ
Date: before 12th century
1 a (1) : free of wound or injury : unhurt (2) : recovered from a wound or injury : restored (3) : being healed <whole of an ancient evil, I sleep sound &#8212; A. E. Housman> b : free of defect or impairment : intact c : physically sound and healthy : free of disease or deformity d : mentally or emotionally sound
2 : having all its proper parts or components : complete, unmodified <whole milk> <a whole egg>
3 a : constituting the total sum or undiminished entirety : entire <owns the whole island> b : each or all of the <took part in the whole series of athletic events>
4 a : constituting an undivided unit : unbroken, uncut <a whole roast suckling pig> b : directed to one end : concentrated <your whole attention>
5 a : seemingly complete or total <the whole idea is to help, not hinder> b : very great in quantity, extent, or scope <feels a whole lot better now>
6 : constituting the entirety of a person's nature or development <educate the whole student>
7 : having the same father and mother <whole brother>

synonyms see perfect

&#8212; whole·ness noun

synonyms whole, entire, total, all mean including everything or everyone without exception. whole implies that nothing has been omitted, ignored, abated, or taken away <read the whole book>. entire may suggest a state of completeness or perfection to which nothing can be added <the entire population was wiped out>. total implies that everything has been counted, weighed, measured, or considered <the total number of people present>. all may equal whole, entire, or total <all proceeds go to charity>.
enthousiasm is nice but the dictionnary shit can become annoying mighty fast

Annoy \An*noy"\ ([a^]n*noi"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Annoyed ([a^]n*noid"); p. pr. & vb. n. Annoying.]

[OE. anoien, anuien, OF. anoier, anuier, F. ennuyer, fr. OF. anoi, anui, enui, annoyance, vexation, F. ennui. See Annoy, n.]

To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to tease; to ruffle in mind; to vex; as, I was annoyed by his remarks. [1913 Webster]

Say, what can more our tortured souls annoy Than to behold, admire, and lose our joy? --Prior. [1913 Webster]

2. To molest, incommode, or harm; as, to annoy an army by impeding its march, or by a cannonade. [1913 Webster]

Syn: To molest; vex; trouble; pester; embarrass; perplex; tease. [1913 Webster]

Source: The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

Lately I've been listening to a lot of Evergrey and Katatonia. I've also been trying to get into Blind Guardian since I like Demons & Wizards so much, but I haven't come across anything that strikes my attention. I've also been entertaining myself with the band Carnal Diafragma, which a friend recommended to me. I really need some new music.
I wouldnt say fucking great, I mean all the songs are identical or almost and the vocals mostly suck, they sound like frogs in heat

still, some tunes are really cool, like the 2nd and 3rd ones...I dont remember the titles
Always liked The Abyss, but then again I like that sort of fast swedish BM shit sometimes. And The Abyss does it great, specially with their first album. For a side-project, it IS fucking great IMO.

NP: Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
haha, no now that I think of it, it was the album I was refering too in the first place
I admit I liked ''the other side'' a lot when I was a kid.

I heard Summon the beast only lately (like 2 years ago) and I went like....uuurrrrhhhhh

but as I said song 2 and 3 are kickass....and theres another one too thats good, but I cant listen to it for more than 3-4 tunes

edit :

2. Blessed With the Wrath of Evil
3. Damned

THESE rock as fuck

Im currently slammin DAMNED