What are you doing at this moment?

Just finished watching Michael Moore's "Sicko" documentary. I mean, I watched it from an objective view. There were some things he said about Canada that wasn't true, but overall, the movie left me with a grim consensus about the American healthcare system and I can stand here and thank fucking christ I don't live in the USA. If I ever got sick, I wouldn't care as much, I mean going bankrupt and shit would suck but as far as myself ONLY, I'd be fine.

But if a loved one, especially my spouse or child, died from something they could have been treated for easily and lived (ie: fever) but didn't because my insurance company (which I paid to keep me safe in these times) denied them the care they needed citing bullshit reasons... well I would show up at their next major meeting and there would be a bulletrush. ffs.

:lol: I actually teared up a few times during this film (and for the record, there's a difference from tearing up and crying assholes).
That was a fuckin movie. But the part on France is so bad :lol: they take this couple who each win 3000€ per month, but what about those who win 1200? Anyway, I liked it a lot, way better than Fahrenheit 9/11.
^:lol: Yeh, shit like that, you needed to look at objectively. It was a little biased but if you knew to take that shit into account and pick out the facts, it was a good movie. He took people that were pulling in 96K a year combined in that part, which is upper middle class, well, maybe lower-end wealthy, so that wasn't an accurate depiction. Either way, that movie has got me thinking about moving to France :lol: Free college! Too bad I don't know french :( That movie taught me the based on governments and what they offer:

France > UK > Canada > Cuba > EVeryone Else > USA > Some of the Third World.
^:lol: Yeh, shit like that, you needed to look at objectively. It was a little biased but if you knew to take that shit into account and pick out the facts, it was a good movie. He took people that were pulling in 96K a year combined in that part, which is upper middle class, well, maybe lower-end wealthy, so that wasn't an accurate depiction. Either way, that movie has got me thinking about moving to France :lol: Free college! Too bad I don't know french :( That movie taught me the based on governments and what they offer:

France > UK > Canada > Cuba > EVeryone Else > USA > Some of the Third World.

Woah there, there are places worse than the UK!?! :zombie:

When my grandmother needed a new hip (too many mosh pits I guess) she was put on a waiting list for the operation for like, 6 months !! Any longer and she'd have needed a wheel chair !!

And I'm sitting in uni for the next hour and a half because there isn't any point going home and I'm far, far too lazy to do anything useful so I'm on UM instead.
^:lol: Yeh, shit like that, you needed to look at objectively. It was a little biased but if you knew to take that shit into account and pick out the facts, it was a good movie. He took people that were pulling in 96K a year combined in that part, which is upper middle class, well, maybe lower-end wealthy, so that wasn't an accurate depiction. Either way, that movie has got me thinking about moving to France :lol: Free college! Too bad I don't know french :( That movie taught me the based on governments and what they offer:

France > UK > Canada > Cuba > EVeryone Else > USA > Some of the Third World.
The Cuba thing was awesome ! "I know what you're gonna tell me. In Cuba lives.. the Devil." :lol: And the Guantanamo system is shocking : terrorists are healed for free, whereas citizen don't o_O

You can come studying in France, even if you don't speak french. I met a guy in my university, he's Bulgarian and studies philosophy, he speaks 3 or 4 french words :erk: but he has some classes in english !
But my advice would be STAY HOME :lol: ok, everything's free for students in France, but consequently it looks so poor. There are no campus, no oversized classrooms, nothing like that.. You pay $50.000, we pay 150€.

Woah there, there are places worse than the UK!?! :zombie:

When my grandmother needed a new hip (too many mosh pits I guess) she was put on a waiting list for the operation for like, 6 months !! Any longer and she'd have needed a wheel chair !!

And I'm sitting in uni for the next hour and a half because there isn't any point going home and I'm far, far too lazy to do anything useful so I'm on UM instead.
Man, we talk about the general medical system, not the disponibilites and delays of medical surgeries. It's the same in France when it comes to this, too much receivers, not enough donators.
...listening to rain's noise on the roof, crying but while laughing.

And thinking that whenever some things come to an end, well, that's not the end of the world... not always.
Writing an essay on the definitions of Abnormality for Psychology. Easy stuff, just time consuming :erk: