I started it by throwing confetti and string all over my friend,then we walked around Philly,and fell asleep at home.
How ***did**** you ***started****? Nice grammar dude
i got home from work and got in my pj's. my house was filled with numerous family members, and my wife came over, and we brought in the new year with non-alcoholic champagne, man..that stuff is so good.
nah... she's just trying to sound coolare you a lezbian ? coz ur a girl and your wife over ?
Yeah she is, but can you, at least, use real words with "s" and no "z"... Like we R on a boardz no on chatr00m.
You should be better than us Frenchies to talk in English, no ?
are you a lezbian ? coz ur a girl and your wife over ?
and if ur a lesbian why are u whining about boobs
Yeah she is, but can you, at least, use real words with "s" and no "z"... Like we R on a boardz no on chatr00m.
like i said, im not.
You definetly are.
(Fuck I really thought you were... That's not hot anymore)