What are you doing?What would you like to do?

War_Blade said:
funny, your sister says the same thing..
:lol: that was actually pretty good. :lol:

uhh, Im back at work :erk:
I beat almost all of Mega Man X, the final boss is too hard, and I dont know where to find the other 2 Energy Packs :(:(:(:(

Id like to be at home, in bed, again.

@Herman Li, I think he deleated them because they got quoted like 4-5 times on that one page :p
I'm sitting here being half naked cuz it's hot. Just watched a movie and I guess I'll go to bed in a while

What I like to be doing is playing a big gig on a really big stage in front of a couple of thousand people with my band (no wait, make that with a good band :p)