What are you doing at this moment?

I apologise for your faggotry. :p

In all seriousness if I didn't listen to something because someone told me it was shit I would listen to Take that or some bollocks. Also I don't really care about any omgcradleareshityourastupidtwatforlisteningtothem because I've heard it enough times before.

Thats all well and good....but you still have bad taste in music.
I just went on the Alestorm myspace to listen to the new samples, but I had my headphones in so I unplugged them as I clicked "Captain Morgan's Revenge" and I heard these amazing vocals, it sounded so fucking great. The music kicked ass, everything was amazing, I was impressed as fuck but then I realized, I had my iTunes running and it was actually "Shadows And Dust" by Arch Enemy playing in the background :lol: I paused it and heard the cheesy accordion sounding keys and shiite vox and the world started to make sense again :lol:

OMFG :lol: I just read this..

But nah i kinda like the new snailstorm...