What are you doing at this moment?

I just fucking re-installed windows and formated my harddrives :lol:



windows looks so gay and boring
I don't even got the Windows XP theme on. That's the windows classic high contrast black. I got so bored on the fucking lame XP theme.

Also....Windows in general is gay.

yep you got it:D
i never thought i would ever belong to those guys who say windows is lame shit, but after buying my mac windows can suck my balls:oops:
yep you got it:D
i never thought i would ever belong to those guys who say windows is lame shit, but after buying my mac windows can suck my balls:oops:

Yeah true :lol: I think i will just say a big "Fuck Youo!" to this com next year and buy a Macbook :kickass::lol: Since i hardly play any games or stuff like that i don't see the point in why i shouldn't.

Lol don't judge Windows based off of a SS from the PHENOM :lol:

Why you fucking nazi:lol:
Yeah true :lol: I think i will just say a big "Fuck Youo!" to this com next year and buy a Macbook :kickass::lol: Since i hardly play any games or stuff like that i don't see the point in why i shouldn't.

...battlefield 1942 and *old* stuff like that works on my macbook:)
It does? That's pretty cool. I got to admit i have not touched any PC games newer than 2005 anyway :lol: Only things i play occasionally is C&C Generals Zero hour, LOTR:Battle for middle earth 2 :lol: Im not that much of a gamer obviously anyway.(Hey...aint some of those 2 games from 2006 actually?)

Well BF: 1942 rocks cocks still :lol:

EDIT: And i will have this heap of junk to play that with anyway if they wouldn't work. I mostly want to surf the interwebs,listen to music,watch movies and probably use it for school shit.