What are you doing at this moment?

I just found out that my surname would be translated as Ferrari in Italy.
Now I'm trying to get a free car , I deserve it :mad:

Zara★ ***Sickening souls cry out in pain****

no offence, she might be a chav, but your name is so emo :D
Thinking about the dream i had last night. =|

I met everyone on the CoB-Ot forum.
then we were all in this room. and my pet spider gave me and OvSeth malaria.
and everyone else caught it. and we all DIED. =|
Thinking about the dream i had last night. =|

I met everyone on the CoB-Ot forum.
then we were all in this room. and my pet spider gave me and OvSeth malaria.
and everyone else caught it. and we all DIED. =|

lolwat :lol:

I keep dreaming about flies :s invasions of flies, not houseflies but some nasty small ones. Its weird..


also guitar.
lolwat :lol:

I keep dreaming about flies :s invasions of flies, not houseflies but some nasty small ones. Its weird..


I keep having dreams about my ex.
and I keep makingout with other guys.
in my dreaaamms i mean

but yeaaahhh
Hey Muffin, did you get a 7-string yet?

Nah, had to get a computer first, which ive ordered! Yay for me.

Then theres the Edwards CY-165CTM thats above it on the list of get, but after that one theres a 7string. I have my eyes on a schecter blackjack ATX or whatever, but im not sure if i'll get that one yet, i havent really checked out the marked that much
Thinking about the dream i had last night. =|

I met everyone on the CoB-Ot forum.
then we were all in this room. and my pet spider gave me and OvSeth malaria.
and everyone else caught it. and we all DIED. =|

A few days ago I dreamed of Esmee (Remnant of Insanity)... :lol:

I dreamed that I would sleep in her house, and right before I wanted to go to bed a wasp suddenly attacked me, so I ran away and Esmee just laughed about me instead of helping me somehow... I think in the end I ran into the bathroom, and it was morning already, so her mother wanted to get in there for showering.

I don't know if I dreamed more, but that was the last thing I remember... Grrr, I dream of stupid wasps reeeally often lately. :mad: Yesterday night, in my dream, about one million wasps followed me, so I ran into the house. But then there was a small hole in the wall where all wasps could fly through, so Knarfi (I think it was him..) put some honey in that hole so that the wasps couldn't move anymore or something... anyway, they died, and I was save.

Yay! I'm good today, got my package which I was waiting for (holy fuck, the added DVD gave me some major lulz!) took new pictures for my driver's license and did some math...Overall a good day :)
I'm having fun singing some songs of Whitney Houston, which I love... buuuut I am failing!!

Awww, haha, as long as I have fun... :lol: ..I'm not envying my neighbours for what they are hearing though. o_O
^ Good! I'll probably eat spaghetti with ragù sauce and meatballs fo' mah dinner... one of my favourite first dishes.

Hurry up, dinner, hurry uuuup! *_*