What are you doing at this moment?

I should be doing my photo manipulation for my art\homework

unfortuantly, the pc broke. and i cant get to my british mueseum photos.
So i have to use my mums laptop.
which i am now.

Laughing at this douche bag I know. On myspace his screen name is "Extraterestical" He was apparently trying to spell extraterrestrial. but I think it is funnier to imagine that he is the extra testicle
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532;;7595827 said:
Having breakfast. :cool:

Hm, 'tis a bit late for breakfast, but oh well, chocolate buscuits can substitute a proper breakfast when you woke up too late, yeah.

:lol: I've done that tooo many times, my poor teeth, haha! :saint:
I'm playing around with photoshop.:lol:


This is my room... well, this used to be my room. :rofl:

eating M&M and try to watch Pirates of C. - part 3

I'm sure you only watch it because of Keira Knightley. :O ;)