What are you doing at this moment?

Air Force nekka.

I have no interest in being on the front lines.

Anyways: At the moment, I'm, making retarded, drunken posts on the interwebs.
And the superhero is...Peach! :cool:


I woooooooooon! Yay! :)
working on my art project for schooool.

:S due in on friday. YIKEEEEES. so much to dooo :S
Hmm, at first I was thinking Oxymoron, but an oxymoron is generally a commonly used figure of speech that consists of two contradictory terms like "I started to stop". Whereas a paradox is simply a contradictory statement...

That's if I'm right on my definitions :lol:
Hmm, at first I was thinking Oxymoron, but an oxymoron is generally a commonly used figure of speech that consists of two contradictory terms like "I started to stop". Whereas a paradox is simply a contradictory statement...

That's if I'm right on my definitions :lol:
Pretty sure oxymoron would've sufficed.