What are you doing at this moment?

On topic: Wishing like hell I had $1,000. =/

Are you drug addicted?

Laying in my bed and waching mythbusters.

The time is 03:26 AM and i need to get up at 07:00 AM... awesome :D

it's like more than half and hour left XD.

Wish me good luck tomorrow :D

lawl good luck

may swedish match be with you

No. Die. Now :mad:

Since when did COBOT become so ghey?

inb4 Swabs

Seriously, 2007.

Makes sense

I played street fighter for the first time last week. And I chose Chun Li.

God damnit, Dragonball is still gay EXCEPT scouter powerlevel scene.

I kind of understand your lack of taste as a child because you couldn't see the awesome latin dub, most of the ones I've heard are :erk: Specially the original japanese one :puke: