What are you doing at this moment?

Well, I thought it was rather awesome! Didn't taste too sweet or too sour or too watery or strong. It was just pure awesomeness. Finnish beer tends to taste a bit more alcohol and be more soursweet or something like that.
You mean it tastes "mainstream", that´s how I call most of the foreign beer with no taste at all ;) No I was only kidding, but with Becks you definitely chose a "German classic". Cool you like it, most of the non-Germans I know hate that kinda beer. Well it seems that you could enjoy the trip then :)
You mean it tastes "mainstream", that´s how I call most of the foreign beer with no taste at all ;) No I was only kidding, but with Becks you definitely chose a "German classic". Cool you like it, most of the non-Germans I know hate that kinda beer. Well it seems that you could enjoy the trip then :)

Yeah! It was awesome. Got epicly drunk too and have a lot of blank spots in my memory. Hangover was horrible but worth it!