Lady Lucid The Omega May 12, 2008 786 0 16 Right Behind You May 5, 2009 #6,481 Debating on whether to watch TV or just listen to my iPod.. or actually do work that needs to be done. [like I'm going to choose that one]
Debating on whether to watch TV or just listen to my iPod.. or actually do work that needs to be done. [like I'm going to choose that one]
vikk Member Nov 29, 2005 21,533 97 48 May 5, 2009 #6,482 posting from my new notebook, with a shit internet connection o/
Ensi CAT WITH FUKKEN PODS Nov 15, 2007 6,838 17 38 Norway May 5, 2009 #6,485 Playing Black & White 2. Awesome game, but I think the first one was abit more challenging.
Lady Lucid The Omega May 12, 2008 786 0 16 Right Behind You May 5, 2009 #6,486 Venting to a friend about the stress I'm under. It feels good to vent every once in a while.
eveningninja Skull Kid Oct 12, 2007 2,967 0 36 Clock Town Behavior: Pretty good -Syuri May 6, 2009 #6,487 Chewing on a toothpick. I do this quite frequently actually. Like for very long periods of time.
EddyRX10 rtard Jul 22, 2008 2,390 0 36 36 England May 6, 2009 #6,489 Posting for the first time in a few days. Finally got dragged screaming away from Left4Dead (to go to work) 9 Golds on Survival. 2 silvers on 9 minutes. I will be teh king of Survivors
Posting for the first time in a few days. Finally got dragged screaming away from Left4Dead (to go to work) 9 Golds on Survival. 2 silvers on 9 minutes. I will be teh king of Survivors
FridgePack That Swede! Jul 17, 2008 1,475 3 38 33 Stockholm. Sweden May 6, 2009 #6,490 Drinking coke and watching the latest Prison Break
M ^MetalMan^ Hexagon Jan 29, 2008 575 0 16 Finland May 6, 2009 #6,491 Prison Break FTW! I did the same today
CobHc_uk Member May 4, 2009 276 0 16 Derby, England May 6, 2009 #6,492 Watching two and a half men and eating pizza
the phenom Member Jun 7, 2007 6,561 1 36 33 Finland May 6, 2009 #6,493 Watching Hockey. Lawl, Belarus vs. Russia
V valkokukka I can still feel it Mar 30, 2007 1,727 0 36 Finland May 6, 2009 #6,494 Watching from tv how Finnish dude tries to eat living octopus .
the phenom Member Jun 7, 2007 6,561 1 36 33 Finland May 6, 2009 #6,495 Watching Hockey...again. USA vs. Finland...
jmbullet Drama maker Jul 31, 2006 3,126 11 38 Canada May 6, 2009 #6,497 Learning John Rutter's Requiem because I was asked to re-join my old choir that is performing it at a concert next week- final rehearsal is tonight
Learning John Rutter's Requiem because I was asked to re-join my old choir that is performing it at a concert next week- final rehearsal is tonight
Mapexdrums Member Jan 8, 2006 437 0 16 39 Montreal, Quebec May 6, 2009 #6,498 Masturbating over pictures of frying livers.
reborndk dumme däne. Dec 27, 2008 732 0 16 Skanderborg / Denmark. May 6, 2009 #6,499 'big MSN-chat' ... gaaah I hate it. And just listening to music.
M ^MetalMan^ Hexagon Jan 29, 2008 575 0 16 Finland May 6, 2009 #6,500 Watching Finland- Usa ice hockey game. Finland ftw!