What are you doing at this moment?

Erin (stellan) dies becuase he gets owned by a police car ..I think, I havent seen it in a while. Have you seen Pirates? Yeah he played Orlando's daddy in the last 2 Pirate films.
It's one of those movies that piss you off becuase of how dumb they are for stuff like roping the keys and tripping and things like that. The little boy and girl both make it out alive in a fit of glee and joy =D
yea yeah, then that older lady was like reminiscing on the past when they had kids and it seemed as if that they may have killed them for insurence money, she started regretting it and took her own life by OD-ing on some needles...once again, tis a shame. Have you seen saw 2 where that chick got thrown into that pit of seringes ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewesers!!!

The needles in the nipple thing? Sounds like MArk Walberge in the movie Rock Star. HAHA gross.
OHHHHHHH snap, I was right, I was just on the scene were Terry (stellan) totally got flattend by a police car in the end by that girl you saw getting poked with the needle. ohh It's over.
wa..what? No grahm Crackers?!?!?!? Oh well at leaast you got the marshmallows the best part of the smores construction, then it's the chocolate and then the cracker. LOL