What are you doing at this moment?

Today at school we've been talking about what we should get the teachers as a "farewell" gift since we graduate highschool this year.
We've gathered suggestions ranging from home decoration stuff and musical boxes to dildos and "Kama sutra for dummies" to jewelry and cigars.
We need to decide by Saturday; we'll never gonna reach an agreement. =(
^reminds me!
My roommates friend went to some weird party like in the movie Old School, where its all girls and they talk about men and hand out sex toys and shit.
Well she won a bunch of dildos, but they were getting mailed to her, and she didn't want her parents seeing them. So I've been told we have a shipment of dildos coming to our house. I lol'd when I heard this, because its not just one, its a shipment.

On Topic: WnB :cool:
Today at school we've been talking about what we should get the teachers as a "farewell" gift since we graduate highschool this year.
We've gathered suggestions ranging from home decoration stuff and musical boxes to dildos and "Kama sutra for dummies" to jewelry and cigars.
We need to decide by Saturday; we'll never gonna reach an agreement. =(

decorated chocolate dildos who plays music while smoking cigars, with built in Kama Sutra
I just realised I haven't been to any UM forums other than this and Amon Amarth in a really long time. Although I may have more of a life apparently my priorities are fucked up. XD
Holy fucking dog dicks Batman, why do the last couple of hours of work on a Friday evening seem to last for what seems to be decades?

Lucky me I got nothing to do and just arrived in my hometown. What a dead-alive place.