What are you doing at this moment?

Haven't been to sleep yet, due to sleeping until 9 pm. <.< Me and my awful habits.. But! I'm thinking of making coffee, breakfast, talking to my girlfriend, and preparing for an exam.
This implies you are a lesbian, but how could a lesbian ever be a "lord of abortions"?


Anyway... I'm sitting in the computer lab, wishing marketing was over. I was trying to prep for the exam I have in an hour, but out professor told us NOTHING that was on the exam, so we all feel like a deer in headlights, and no one feels ready for it. :s

I hate him so much lol
Singing to Iron Maideeeen..

./' As if time had stopped still, I was numb with fear.. But still I wanted to go.. And the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me, as I walked onto the coals.. And I felt.. I was in a trance and my spirit was lifted from me... And if only, someone had the chance, to witness what happened to me.. And I danced, and I pranced and I sat with them.. All had death in their eyes.. ./'
You're the one who wants me to impostor you!

Oi.. Anyway I'm thinking of ways of telling my bestfriend the world doesn't revolve around her, and she isn't the biggest hottest sexiest 'omfgeverythingisaboutme' pumpkin in the patch. Perplexing. >.<