What are you doing at this moment?

coughing. My back really hurts,too...hope I didn't hurt it coughing:lol:
It's just from your nasty virus. It's fucking with your muscles.

I'm trying to digest the past 5 hours of conversation with a lovely human. I'm still confused and not sure what I want with him... but damn is he a wonderful person.
I'm listening to Downfall and try to be less pissed of than right now... Right now all I want is to punch someone in the face. Hard and often.
I don't really like that feeling, but... well I have the tendency to get pissed off about small things all the time...
Biting my fucking nails!! Someone make me stop!

Could be SO much worse. Try being out with an uber wonderful guy all night and nibbling on your bottom lip the entire time... not realizing til you're so dry you need chapstick! I can't imagine what that must have looked like. Hawt? Nawt.
Right now i'm jamming to freaking Regurgitate! Man, they're, i think, the most brutal band ever. They have even more creative names than Cannibal corpse. What's better than this:
Abducens Eminence
Euphoric state of butchery
Cocoon of filth
futrid serenity
Tenderizing the malformed
violent necrophilic climax
cavernous sores
reborn in latrinic ecstasy
bleed on me
gutrot hogfrenzy
undying lust for caderous molestation
battered with a brick
devoured by ghouls
addiction(an unconditional love for blasphemous perversions)
sadistic hateful scum
worm eater
perish in blood
upheavl of uuman entrails
excremental ingeestment
hacksaw hysterectomy
catatonic posssesion
Just ate dinner and just finished protecting my guitarist haha.
He randomly shows up at my house ringing the doorbell frantically so when the door was opened he was all shaky and he's like "OMG ARIANE, there's this guy outside and he's been following me all over the place, he even followed me into the washroom at Arby's PLEASE CAN I STAY HERE UNTIL HE'S GONE?" So I let him and chatted with him until he calmed down then he called my other guitarist who came and picked him up. I actually felt so bad for him :lol: he was so scared. Haha...I'm small and I can't really do much but they still come to me when they need help XD
The best way to stop biting your nails is to either take up a different habit, or to scare yourself out of eating nails. For example, if you bite your nails you will cut your stomach lining open.
My mom keeps telling me that and still no use :(

Could be SO much worse. Try being out with an uber wonderful guy all night and nibbling on your bottom lip the entire time... not realizing til you're so dry you need chapstick! I can't imagine what that must have looked like. Hawt? Nawt.

Ohhh i know, that happens to me alot.... but then again i always keep chapstick or lip gloss in my bag, so i've got nothing to worry about :D