What are you doing at this moment?

:lol::lol::lol: I just got pwnd very bad.. I was playing pool online on a finnish site with a finnish mate, so when i was on the winning hand he said "BTW for other color table press "Luovuto".. Well, it turned out that Luovuto means something like "give up" :lol:
ready to sue the fuck out of sony.

Or write them a pissed off letter.

Sony has fucked up way too hardcore in the last few years. Playstation 2s that would break down RIGHT as the warrenty goes out, laptop batteries that violently explode, PS3 being $699 (and no one buying it).

Go them.
i think she's more pissed off because sony has been putting rootkits on their music CDs again and anyone "caught" ripping them or burning them from their PC is liable to have their equipment damaged or destroyed under DRM "law"
Procrastinating, should be writing a paper and preparing a presentation. However, the pains in my ass in my group who keep emailing the shit outta me are asleep, so it's time to chill. I could sleep a little but I won't wake up. I have that problem now... I don't sleep for days or maybe take small naps; but when I do nap, in order to wake up when I plan to I need an alarm, phone alarm, and have someone text me. It's bad.