What are you doing at this moment?

my teacher won't show up, i'll be here for an hour and a half bored :erk: no msn here
Going to college in 10 minutes, right now: Listening to Kreator.

Double Psychology this morning :erk:
I'm bored at school on my laptop. Waiting for my next class, too tired/lazy to work on assignments or do anything else.
I'm bored at school on my laptop. Waiting for my next class, too tired/lazy to work on assignments or do anything else.

they dont block this sort of thing on your school's router? at my school they block EVERYTHING.. anything that filters under "entertainment" or "images", "religion" or "music" is inaccessible. damn schizos
Virtuoosi, since you're a finn, how many cans of beer can you handle?

NO IDEA!!:lol::lol: Btw I'm 15. I just drink this stuff because I like it... Though I get a bit drunk after 4 of thise. It's a 33l can of Gin, alcohol%= 5,6. Though, I don't really drink that often. But now once when my dad bought lots of cheap stuff from his mate, who came from Estonia, we have a pretty alcohol stock right 'ere :lol: So, that's a gd reason to drink for meh. I'm having the 2 next weeks a job practising thing, were like getting to know the working life. So, I don't have school for 2 weeks and every morning starts from 10, and ends @ 16.00 so yay...:lol::kickass:

EDIT: I be working on a music store ofc:D Pretty much just testing out the guitars all the day..:headbang:
I just stopped laughing like a crazy cuz before was watching a certain parody of a movie... that stuff really cracks me up, oh Lord, haha!!
Uhh just being bored and listening to some music... My lil' gin stock ran out and I changed to coca cola zero...:lol: Couldn't drink it all, so I'm propably gonna go sleep after I manage to get rest of the cola back to the fridge...:Smug: