What are you favorite metal genre(s) at the moment?


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
I thought this would be a good question to ask right now just because of all the talk & speculation surrounding our fest & our choices of bands...so give it up. Name your favorite metal genre(s) at the moment, & name a few bands that you're listening to that would fall under those genres...just so we know exactly what you're talking about. Cuz you know...what one genre means to one person means something totally different to another...for example progressive metal...my opinion strongly differs from what the average metalhead thinks is progressive.

OK, I'll go first...

Progressive Metalcore, Progressive/Technical Death, & some Doom/Dark Metal has been cup o' tea as of late.

Progressive Metalcore to me are bands like Between The Buried And Me, Sikth, Dillinger Escape Plan...to name a few

Progressive/Tech Death ala Death, Martyr, Gorguts, Negativa, Theory In Practice & The Faceless...to name a few.

Doom/Dark Metal ala Saturnus & Novembers Doom to name a couple. I'm not a big doom fan since most of it is very slow & boring, but these two bands really excel in what they do & most importantly the inject a lot of emotion into their music, which is very critical when trying to convey the proper doom thingy. ;)

These are all bands that I've been listening to a lot lately...and if you're into any of these genres, I recommend you check out these bands...you will NOT be disappointed!!!
Tough question. I have been listening to so many genres lately.

Power metal is always a given, so no need to really go there.

I have been digging a lot of traditional doom and death / doom this year.

Saint Vitus
Electric Wizard
The Obsessed

Katatonia (all eras)
Novembers Doom (yeah, there's a shocker, huh?)
My Dying Bride

No offense to you Rob, or anyone else who likes it, but I can't tolerate metalcore. Maybe because I was into real 80's hardcore and punk rock for a long time, that comes off as an abomination and completely false.
I have been into Power Metal like mad lately...surprise surprise ...stuff like
Crystal Eyes, Domain, Dark Moor, and Sabaton

Also I am really into Folk metal like Elvenking, Cruachan, Skyforger, and Tuantha De Dannan.

I was for a while getting into some new black metal like Carpathian Forest, but I got bored fast.
It would be cool to see a nice mix of bands at Powerfest.

Though I am not a huge fan of the genre, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a solid black metal or folk metal band.

I will also mention some newer bands here I have been digging that are a nod to more traditional metal:
MAJESTY (Germany)
My very favorite genre is Progressive Power Metal .. bands like Vanden Plas, Pagan's Mind, Symphony X, and Evergrey do it for me the most. I don't really like the wanky ass soft prog, or the happy speedy power stuff.

I don't really care for much "core" stuff at all. Lamb Of God is my favorite of that bunch, but even at that I didn't care for their last album all that much .. loved Ashes, and Palaces.

I like some Trash, Doom, and Death, but it's usually got to be pretty melodic while also contains some clean vox here and there.

I dig some of the Viking and Folk stuff ... Cruachan, Tyr, Amon Amarth, and Wuthering Heights have got some plays of late.

Thrash - Destruction, Sodom, Testament, Kreator,

Melo-Death - Dark Tranquility, Darkane and Terror 2000

Power (big surprise) - Firewind, Kiuas, Iced Earth

Then whatever you wanna call Agalloch I have been loving the shit out of them.
My very favorite genre is Progressive Power Metal .. bands like Vanden Plas, Pagan's Mind, Symphony X, and Evergrey do it for me the most. I don't really like the wanky ass soft prog, or the happy speedy power stuff.

This used to be my fav genre about 4 years ago or so.
I used to love Brainstorm, Symphorce, Vanden Plas, Dream Theater, etc.
I have nothing against these bands or anything, though they have gotten VERY old to me. Can't really explain it, just a genre I got SUPER bored with.
Viking/Pagan/Heathen/Folk Metal - Primordial, Moonsorrow, Thyrfing, Falkenbach, Amon Amarth, Waylander, Skyclad, Windir, Vreid

Progressive Death Metal - November's Doom, early Opeth, Orphaned Land, Gwynbleidd, Rapture

Grooving Death Metal - Grave, Unleashed, Dismember, Asphyx, Morbid Angel

Progressive Black Metal - Negura Bunget, Enslaved

Melodic Black Metal/Black 'n Roll - Satyricon, Old Man's Child, Naglfar, Carpathian Forest

Blackened Thrash - Later Immortal, The Crown, Melechesh, Destroyer 666

Hard Edged Power Metal (technical or traditional, not the Euro speed style) - Nevermore, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Running Wild, Virgin Steele

A few select Progressive Power Metal bands - Symphony X, Circus Maximus, Conception

Every single one of these bands currently kick my teeth in one way or another.

This used to be my fav genre about 4 years ago or so.
I used to love Brainstorm, Symphorce, Vanden Plas, Dream Theater, etc.
I have nothing against these bands or anything, though they have gotten VERY old to me. Can't really explain it, just a genre I got SUPER bored with.

A very similar effect happened to me, and my tastes in that genre are down to a select few bands. Bring on the firepower - the varying genres of the extreme side of things has really kept "sizzle" on the steak for me. In addition, once you acquire a taste for it, some of the most creative and original music can be found there.

You know I was just thinking I am the kind of person that is making the fest change direction. I can get down with almost any Power Metal band, but there are only a few non Power bands that I am truly nuts for like I am for a Power or a Power/Prog band.
Pretty cool lists you guys have going here.

But now I gotta ask...for those of you who mentioned progressive anything, please define what "progressive" means to you.

Because IMO, progressive means exactly what it means in a dictionary:

1.favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are
2.making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.
3.characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.
4.going forward or onward; passing successively from one member of a series to the next; proceeding step by step.

I'm sorry, but most of the bands some of you listed as "progressive" wouldn't fall under that definition. For example Symphony X, Vanden Plas, Evergrey, Brainstorm, Symphorce & even Dream Theater (anymore) are NOT progressive. Some may be simply neo-classical, and some (ie. DT) may have been prog at one point...but unless they continue to progress/change & cover new ground (even if it's just within the band's own style), which they haven't, then I wouldn't consider them progressive...at all.

Also, I think some people think that just because a band incorporates neo/pseudo classical phrasings and/or keyboards that it makes the band progressive. Sorry, but I'd have to disagree.

Am I alone here? Opinions?
I will more or less sum up what I feel in one sentence - a progressive band in a given genre to me does not sound like a traditional band within that particular genre, yet is difficult to classify in another genre.

So it's not so much a "progression" (in the sense that you've clearly definied it) as it is taking a genre and giving it a shot in the arm one way or another that's a variant (and whether that variant is good or bad is up to the listener). As sort of an example, Fates Warning were much more interesting to me in their early days when they played a more straightforward brand of traditional metal. Once they were labeled a "progressive" band, they lost all interest for me.

As far as Symphony X is concerned - I suppose you can take away the "progressive" power label some like to pin on them and label them as "neo-classical" metal. I'd have no problem with that. There are so many different labels and sub-genres you can tag a given metal band with though. In my case, I was looking at them as a power metal band, but one that doesn't easily fit into that genre. They clearly have power metal elements, and you certainly can't listen to an album like "V - The New Mythology Suite" and think "generic power metal".

Anyway, I see your point and am actually a lot closer to agreeing with it than it would appear by my lumping of the bands above into particular genres. And I in no way, shape or form mean progressive in the sense that you define it.

Am I alone here? Opinions?
I tend to view the word "progressive" in the genre of Progressive Metal as simply a label. As such, I tend to list bands like Symphony X and Vanden Plas under that heading. Are they "progressing" music? Not really. But do Power Metal bands actually use more "power" to create their music? As I understand it, most Metal is recorded using 1.21 gigawatts of power, regardless of whether it's Doom, Death, Prog or Power.

As for the original question, I'll cheat a bit by simply listing the ten bands whose next CD I'm most eagerly anticipating. I tend to drift less towards a given genre and more towards specific bands:

Iced Earth
Symphony X
Amon Amarth
Zero Hour
Novembers Doom

I tend to view the word "progressive" in the genre of Progressive Metal as simply a label. As such, I tend to list bands like Symphony X and Vanden Plas under that heading. Are they "progressing" music? Not really. But do Power Metal bands actually use more "power" to create their music? As I understand it, most Metal is recorded using 1.21 gigawatts of power, regardless of whether it's Doom, Death, Prog or Power.

As for the original question, I'll cheat a bit by simply listing the ten bands whose next CD I'm most eagerly anticipating. I tend to drift less towards a given genre and more towards specific bands:

Iced Earth
Symphony X
Amon Amarth
Zero Hour
Novembers Doom


All answers equal golden releases, or at least hopefully.
I hate getting into these classificiations ... I just know what I like and what I don't like. I like melody, hooks, catchiness, heaviness, good vocalists, intelligent lyrics, and profiecent musicians. If it's got the majority of that stuff I'm almost assured to like it .. no matter the genre.

I hate getting into these classificiations ... I just know what I like and what I don't like. I like melody, hooks, catchiness, heaviness, good vocalists, intelligent lyrics, and profiecent musicians. If it's got the majority of that stuff I'm almost assured to like it .. no matter the genre.


I couldnt agree more.
my own definition of a progressive sound is one that strays from repetition and where motives move on to different parts:

instead of the usual A -> B -> A -> C -> A -> B

using something like A->B->C->D

I'm aware there are different opinions, for example a band could be called progressive becuase their tone (timbre) is close to the 70's bands who were called progressive at that time (for whatever reasons)

just my 2 cents..
1) DOOM!!!!
2) dark power metal (the Morgana Lefays, Tad Moroses and Brainstorms of the world)
3) quirky, technical death metal (a la Cephalic Carnage, Into the Moat, Martyr)
Power metal(not ultra happy).
-Evidence One
-Shadow Keep
-Balance of Power

Power metal(ultra happy)
-Primal Fear

"Progressive" metal
-Dream Theater
-Symphony X
-Pagan's Mind
-Zero Hour
-Into Eternity

Industrial/Industrial metal
-Nine Inch Nails
-Hanzel Und Gretyl
-Fear Factory
-Stabbing Westward

Death metal/Black metal(and bands that are close enough)
-Morbid Angel
-Opera IX
-Lamb of God
-Cradle of Filth
-Old Man's Child
-Arch Enemy


-Big & Rich
-Dwight Yoakum
-Montgomery Gentry

-The Ron Eschete Trio
But now I gotta ask...for those of you who mentioned progressive anything, please define what "progressive" means to you.

Here's a copy of what I wrote on the PPUSA forum a while ago when General Zod asked "What is Prog?"..................

"Prog" means music that is likely to be enjoyed by someone who likes other bands labelled as "prog".

"Progressive" music is one of the worst category names ever invented because by its strict definition, it would mean an entirely new set of bands every year. But we're stuck with it, so we have to use it in the best way possible.

So, I prefer to think of "prog" as just representing a family tree of music that began back when the term "progressive rock" was used (probably correctly) to describe bands that were taking the musical form beyond its regular bounds, like Cream, Yes, Genesis, ELP, King Crimson, etc. Now, certainly, a year or two after they started doing their thing any other band that came along sounding like that was by definition no longer "progressive" - for example, Marillion wasn't really *progressive* but they're still called progressive rock because we'd moved beyond the strict definition and into the family-tree definition, meaning "If you like Genesis, you should like Marillion, too!"

The same thing happened in metal. Perhaps there were early bands that "progressed" metal beyond the usual boundaries. Some might say, for example, Dream Theater did that. But really, DT only did for metal what Yes and others did for rock, so in that sense they weren't really progressive as much as very good at borrowing and incorporating existing influences. But, to make things easy on ourselves, we call them progressive. There is the natural combining of family trees of music - "If you like Yes and King Crimson AND you like heavy music, then you should like Dream Theater!"

So picture "prog" metal as a big family tree of bands linked by common ancestors and merging branches and don't worry so much about what it is *really* supposed to mean!

............... So I'd just add now that to use "progressive" as a musical categorization term by its dictionary definition is futile. If Band A really was progressive in the dictionary sense, and Band B came along sounding a lot like Band A, you'd want to describe Band B in a way to reflect that similarity. So you'd use "progressive", too. But then you're lying.
