What are you fine gents and whores (Susperia) doing to usher in the New Year?

just came back from feasting on roast capon stuffed with plums and foie gras, drowned in Champagne and Bordeaux. I feel like God. Not a god, mark.

np.: Obscenity - Human Barbecue
just took a shot of Chivas ... and out the door i go ...

Moose may all the harems in the world open up their doors to your majesty this year!!!

Happy New Year too all RC carnage crew ..
I'm drinking in my basement.

Was gonna go out, but changed my mind when I found out there would be no way home for me, as there were no planned designated drivers.

Hate sleeping on peoples floors when theres 30 puking people around.
First activity of 2008: applied for an HR job and completed an application for a library job. I'm way overqualified for the library job, but I'd rather have that than stupid stupid HR.
Lol, I just got into an argument with my old mans girlfriends daughter about a vocalist on TV on some NBC new years show. I said "Well, her performance was pre-performed, compressed, auto-tuned, and essentially synthetic as plastic" and she started yelling and whining at me about how that "wasn't true".

She threatened to kill me in my sleep, hahaha.
got back from said party ... smoke and pot smoke is not good for prego woman . but had fun for a few hours mixing drinks and bs'ing with new faces.


2008 is looking up already. :kickass:

And once again.... "PRESENCE III" FTF'NW

You have inspired me. Just put on Further Down The Nest. Fuck me, this band rules a lot. Helps that I'm mildly intoxicated.
This has been a pretty darn good day thus far. I wasn't paired with the bi-polar Asian dame after all. 6 hours with sexual chocolate, who really isn't a bad guy after speaking with him. I watched a movie, had a couple meals, took a shit (including inadvertent crack stain), witnessed more workplace drama unfold, and now I'm about to embark on a six hour musical journey of blasting heavy methull while formulating a haul.

On top of that, I'm getting paid a meal break (2 hours pay). Happy Fucking New Year Indeed!
new years always sucks.
I was bored out of my ass sitting at a bar with a bunch of friends while a shitty band played music that I didnt know, but everyone else knew. Metal is my curse
This has been a pretty darn good day thus far. I wasn't paired with the bi-polar Asian dame after all. 6 hours with sexual chocolate, who really isn't a bad guy after speaking with him. I watched a movie, had a couple meals, took a shit (including inadvertent crack stain), witnessed more workplace drama unfold, and now I'm about to embark on a six hour musical journey of blasting heavy methull while formulating a haul.

On top of that, I'm getting paid a meal break (2 hours pay). Happy Fucking New Year Indeed!

So, did you wipe standing or sitting?