What are you listening to?

Let me guess: from the Ayreon forum?

Yeah that was the first place. Though he seems to crop up everywhere ;)

Well, welcome in any case. :)

Thanks :)

Have you got into Threshold through Ayreon via Damian?

I did. I got into Damian via the Star One live CDs/DVD. I watched it every day for around three months in the fall of 2003. At first, I didn't like Damian's voice, preferring to listen to Russell Allen (I was already a Symphony X fan) instead. Then when I heard his performance on "The Eye of Ra", I fell in love with his voice. I found his website and started buying up all the albums he'd appeared on. Around early 2004, I purchased Wounded Land. I didn't have a clue what Threshold sounded like other than I knew Damian had been the singer at the time. The album totally blew me a away. In fact, it has my #1 & #2 favorite Threshold songs on it: Sanity's End & Surface to Air. Eventually I went out and got Extinct Instinct which has a few good songs but I don't like it as much as Wounded Land. I do like a few songs that Mac has sung but not as much as Damian's stuff :oops:

Luca Turilli - War of the Universe

you really like that one ? I have bought at that time, but I didn´t like it. But I like Tattooed Millionaire, Balls To Picasso and (best one) Accident Of Birth.


I prefer the heavier Accident, Chemical wedding and Tyranny of Souls but I like it for its strangeness as much as anything - it's just very different to the rest of his stuff and I would listen to it ahead of Tattooed

NP - Hypothetical