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Leverage - Circus Colossus

Again an album from Leverage filled with huge riffs & great melodies. And Pekka Heino's awesome voice! They sound heavier and perhaps more progressive than before and this time they've also brought in some orchestrations which I didn't think they actually needed but if it sound this good I'm not complaining. Sometimes Leverage isn't necessarily that far away from Threshold, there are some melody lines on CC that could've been on f.e. Subsurface or Dead Reckoning. Highly recommended!
I thought it was a disappointment when I first heard it but it's slowly growing on me. Sure, it will never top Ayreon but it's still a decent album :)

What I don't really like is that it seems to have no focus on the songs, basically it's flowings of epic music with acoustic breaks, but the worst are those tedious "whispered" vocals... the trailers were much more promising.
I have shared the stage with Killin' Alice last spring, but never heard of Killing Touch.

Ok, checked on myspace. It's the "usual" band geaturing someone involved in Labyrinth/Vision Divine and related - there are plenty! -, from northern Italy (despite some of the guys from vision divine are from tuscany, if I don't go wrong) and playing mostly in northern italy. Since I've never been fond of the so called "italian wave of power metal", I've never paied much attention to the italian metal bands, except a few worth mentioning: DGM, Eldritch and some other "very underground" bands.