what are you reading?

less than 200 pages left in Anna Karenina and readying Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism by Spong.
I FINALLY finished Anna Karenina last night. I had like a 140 pages to go yesterday so I plowed through it.
I really identified with the character of Levin. He and I went through many of the same thought processes and spiritual struggles. It was strange reading his thoughts... I would often go "That's EXACTLY what I think/thought!" Anyway excellent though very slow book.
Next up I think I'll delve into this tiny book of Pushkin short stories.
Russian lit for the win! :kickass:
polished off those Pushkin stories and am delving into more Tolstoy... this time short stories as well.
I am currently reading The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. My first book by this author. This seems to be the perfect novel which I am happy to have discovered and greatly enjoy reading.

AJP Taylor's German History Volumes. Good old fashioned historiography. They've aged very well, and constitute his best work, I think.

Interesting, I may order this book. I have been looking for a good German history text.
As usual, reading multiple books at the time. Some reserved for bed time reading, so for bus trip and so on.
Walter J.- William - The Rift
Agatha Christie - 4.50 from Paddington
Philippe Legrain - Open world - The Truth About Globalisation
Andrew Nagorski - The Greatest Battle - The Fight For Moscow 1941-42
Im reading a Dean Koontz Book, he always writes good Books. I dont know the Original Title, but in German its called "Irrsinn". always good to read Koontz books. he does a lot Psycho stuff, pretty cool.
I wasn't too absorbed into that one actually... I just couldn't get into it at all.

My favourite Stephen King book is (and probably always will be) It. My phobia of clowns hasn't gotten any better mind you! ;)

I read that one ages ago!