What are your average recording levels...

I hope they're better then Apogee's :yuk: , don't like the "overhyped" sound. RME is way more interesting sounding.

I'm with you on the PT ad's!

Ever heard Soundscape's 48-TA's? Think vintage Neve gear if you need a reference... www.sydec.be/products
and no, i'm not related to them :grin:
Soundscaper said:
I hope they're better then Apogee's :yuk: , don't like the "overhyped" sound. RME is way more interesting sounding.

I'm with you on the PT ad's!

Ever heard Soundscape's 48-TA's? Think vintage Neve gear if you need a reference... www.sydec.be/products
and no, i'm not related to them :grin:
Hi there!
What about using Adat converters?...
I know they can be a bit (!?) out of date but are they worthy to buy?
For the price that you can get a used one it's almost a joke!
I've been told that the Blackface Adats converters sound better than the ones in the later Lx/Xt series?... But I didn't have a chance to compare them.
What do you think?
Well.. I've only had experience with the Alesis AI-3 converters if we're talking Alesis ADAT. In short... they truly suck! But then again, it depends. You're not going to get a "good conversion" out of those boxes. The D/As are pretty good, but the A/D really is "bad". They have an unmistakeable sound on the A/D side that instantly makes you think L.A, mid eighties sound. It isn't anywhere near todays standards, and that's pretty much why they aren't that expensive.

Forget about depth, realism, broadness.. everything that you might like about a "maxed out" production is really going out the door with those converters.

But if you like a little more trashy, harsh sound that isn't that full... you might actually like them for the character.